An implementation of the hierarchical co-attention network for visual question answering from Lu et. al (2016) in Keras.
Clone the project to your machine
Install the project scripts by running
python install clean -a
If you want to install to a custom local directory, then create the site-packages directory and run the install script with a prefix. Afterwards you have to update the python path to make the custom directory available.
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages
python3 install --prefix=$HOME/.local
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
After installation you can run the following commands from the command line
The scripts will automatically look for a hicoatt-configuration.ini in the users home directory, but you can also specify a configuration file using the -c
The commands require a configuration file to be setup. You can find a template file from within the egg file at
The recommendation is to copy this file to the user directory and rename it to
The configuration file describes attributes for the model, training and preparation.
Download the ZIP files (probably MSCOCO) and put them in a directory like
ImageDatasetDirectoryPath = /data/mscoco
The project requires the following sub directory structure
+- train
+- validate
+- test
Extract the ZIP files to the according sub-directories.
For MSCOCO the counts are
NumberOfTrainingImages = 82783
NumberOfValidationImages = 40504
NumberOfTestImages = 81434
The image name infixes are
TrainingImageNameInfix = train2014
ValidationImageNameInfix = val2014
TestImageNameInfix = test2015
Put these information to the configuration file. The numbers are optional but useful to show preparation progress.
The infixes are required to be specified. The image loade will look for files with the following naming pattern:
The hicoatt paper uses the following configuration for the image preparation
ImageInputShape = (448, 448, 3)
ImageFeaturesSize = 196
Now you can run the preparation script. The script will resize the image to the configured image input shape, put them into a single tf records file and then compute the feature maps from them. The feature maps are directly put on hard disk as numpy files along with the source images.
hicoatt-prepare-images all
Download the ZIP files (probably VQA1.0) and put them in a directory like
TextualDatasetDirectoryPath = /data/vqa1
The project requires the following sub directory structure
+- train
+- validate
+- test_dev
+- test
Extract the ZIP files to the according sub-directories. Then rename the following to the following scheme:
+- train
| +- v1_OpenEnded_mscoco_questions.json
| +- v1_mscoco_annotations.json
+- validate
| +- v1_OpenEnded_mscoco_questions.json
| +- v1_mscoco_annotations.json
+- test_dev
| +- v1_OpenEnded_mscoco_questions.json
+- test
+- v1_OpenEnded_mscoco_questions.json
The hicoatt paper uses the following configuration for the number of classes (answers)
NumClasses = 1000
Now you can run the preparation script. The script will automatically prepare a train-validate split. For this purpose, the answers are fetched from the annotations file and the most common labels are determined. Then the training questions are filtered given the most common answers. Only the question that include one of the most common answers are kept. The remaining questions are fit to produce a training vocabulary. Given this vocabulary the maximal question length is determined. The produces files are put into the /data/vqa1
hicoatt-prepare-questions all
For VQA 1.0 this will result in the following configuration properties for the train-validate split
QuestionMaximalLength = 22
VocabularySize = 12514
When both image and question dataset are prepared, then the training session can be started.
The hicoatt paper uses the following configuration for training
DropoutRate = 0.5
ByPassImageFeaturesComputation = True
ImageTopLayer = True
Epochs = 256
BatchSize = 300
You can also specify where to log the tensorboard events.
TensorboardLoggingDirectory = /cache/tensorboard-logdir
Now you can run the training script.
hicoatt-session training
The training will automatically prepare and start everything based on the configuration.
You can also just check if everything is prepared with
hicoatt-session training --dryrun
A checkpoint for further training can be specified with
hicoatt-session training -m <path-to-model> -i <epoch>
The original paper did a training run on the training plus validation set. This can be easily prepared like the one above with the -s trainval
option. This is also the option to start the training session.
The VQA 1.0 dataset requires a special result file to be uploaded. This result file is produced for the test-dev split with the following command
hicoatt-session predict -m <path-to-model> -s "train test_dev"
The prediction takes the training split as a first argument in the split option to specify the vocabulary. Then as a second option the target split for prediction is specified. The result file is directly placed at the models path.
This file must be bundled to a
and can then be uploaded to the VQA evaluation server.