
Collection of statistical tests written in pure Excel Formulas

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

empxl - Macro-free Empirical Excel Functions

A collection of statistical tests written using pure Excel functions


This collection of pure Excel functions aims at students and practitioners who want to use basic statistical tests in excel.

This project aims at a macro-free set of basic functions using only Excel core features without python, extensions or VBA macros. This allows this template to be used in security sensitive environments.

How to use

German Cheat Sheet

  1. Download a release version of empxl.xltx
  2. Create a fresh worksheet from the empxl-template empxl.xltx
  3. Import your data
  4. Use the functions

Implemented Features

  • Matrix and vector convinience functions
  • LAMBDA-safe group functions
  • Cleanup and datawrangling functions
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Basic inference statistics for data vectors (t-Test, F-Test, ANOVA, etc.)
  • Ordinal scale statistics (Wilcoxon-Test, Kruskal-Wallis-Test, Dunn-Test)
  • p-Value Adjustment Function for grouped measures (used in pairwise tests)

Build manually

Building manually requires the EXCEL Advanced Formula Environment (AFE) installed with the Excel Instance that is used to to build the template. When using the template, AFE is not required.

Important: Currently, the code builds on the German Naming of Excel formula. Therefore, Building the template manually requires Excel's German edition. This will change in one of the upcomin editions.

Important: It is not recommended, to use the formula in the src folder directly. Because these formula are indented, the extra whitespace cause Excel to misbehave.

  1. Run the bin/compile.sh script to strip extra whitespaces from the source formulas. This creates a compile-folder with clean versions of the formula.
  2. Open a fresh Excel workbook.
  3. Save the workbook as an Excel template (.xlst)
  4. Open AFE
  5. Open the Modules-Tab
  6. Paste the content of empxl.afe into the Workbook-Module.
  7. Save the template for release.