
Eight Queens problem written in MIPS assembly language

Primary LanguageAssembly

Eight Queens on MIPS

Zhixun TAN
EE 25

The basic idea is putting the queens one row after another. First, we know that any two queens can't be in the same row, which indicates that for any row (0 to 7), there can only be exactly one queen.

For each row, there are 8 positions (namely columns) where we can put the queen. So we may use a number between 0 to 7 to denote the position of the queen in each row. There are 8 rows in all, meaning that we need 8 numbers. Each number requires 3 bits, so 8 numbers require 24 bits in all, which can be stored in one single word.

How do we check that not any two queens are in the same column? This requires us to track the previous moves before make the new move. In other words, suppose we are about to put a queen in row 3, col 4, we must first make sure that there are no previous queens in col 4. Thus, we use an 8-bit bitset to denote which columns have been 'used'.

For example, before any queen is put, the bitset is 00000000. We put a queen in row 0, col 1, then the bitset becomes 01000000. Then we put a queen in row 1, col 3, the bitset becomes 01010000. Then we put a queen in row 2, col 1, but wait! -- from the bitset we know that col 1 has been occupied, so we can't do that.

The situation is similar when it comes to diagonals. There are 14 left diagonals:

 7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
 6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
 4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
 3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

There are also 14 right diagonals.

Python version of Eight Queens:

Here we give the python version of the algorithm above.

num = 8
curr = 0
vert = 0
ldiag = 0
rdiag = 0
row = 0
pos = 0
count = 0

while (True):
    if pos == num and row == 0: # BREAK
    if row == num: # success
        print oct(curr)
        pos = curr & 7
        curr = curr >> 3

        row -= 1
        vert = vert & (~(1 << pos))
        ldiag = ldiag & (~(1 << (7 - row + pos)))
        rdiag = rdiag & (~(1 << (row + pos)))
        pos += 1
        count += 1

    if pos == num and row != 0: # POP
        pos = curr & 7
        curr = curr >> 3
        row -= 1
        vert = vert & (~(1 << pos))
        ldiag = ldiag & (~(1 << (7 - row + pos)))
        rdiag = rdiag & (~(1 << (row + pos)))
        pos += 1

    # PUSH
    # Check the correctness of this move.
    t_vert = 1 << pos
    t_ldiag = 1 << (7 - row + pos)
    t_rdiag = 1 << (row + pos)
    fail = vert & t_vert
    fail = fail | (ldiag & t_ldiag)
    fail = fail | (rdiag & t_rdiag)
    if fail == 0:
        curr = curr << 3
        curr = curr | pos
        vert = vert | t_vert
        ldiag = ldiag | t_ldiag
        rdiag = rdiag | t_rdiag
        pos = 0
        row += 1
        pos += 1
print count

