Application to replace normal Twitter links with the "vxtwitter" equivalent. or "fxtwitter", or whatever you want really.
This program will check the last entry copied to your clipboard for a specific content and replace it with a different one.
- all the configured values need to be strings. i.e. even numbers, like for check_delay, need to be written like "2000", not 2000
- if you need to put the program somewhere else, like on your desktop, do NOT move the actual .exe-file. instead, create a shortcut of it and move that one. the whole release-folder can be anywhere on your machine, though
- string_to_replace: the part of the string the program will be looking for and replace (i.e.
- replacement_string: the part of the string the program replace the former part with (i.e. - will make it so "" gets replaced with "")
- check_delay: the amount of time (in milliseconds) that needs to pass until the program checks the last copied entry of your computer's clipboard and looks for the string_to_replace value. This is 2000 by default