
PyTorch code for Finding in NAACL 2022 paper "Probing the Role of Positional Information in Vision-Language Models".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Probing the Role of Positional Information in Vision-Language Models

All details: https://www.unibw.de/vis-en/naacl2022

In "Probing the Role of Positional Information in Vision-Language Models" we evaluate LXMERT models with different positional information (PI) input types using two probing and a downstream task. Later we add two new pre-training strategies (based on the probs) and report results for all experiments.

    title = "Probing the Role of Positional Information in Vision-Language Models",
    author = {R{\"o}sch, Philipp J.  and
      Libovick{\'y}, Jind{\v{r}}ich},
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022",
    month = jul,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Seattle, United States",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.findings-naacl.77",
    pages = "1031--1041",
    abstract = "In most Vision-Language models (VL), the understanding of the image structure is enabled by injecting the position information (PI) about objects in the image. In our case study of LXMERT, a state-of-the-art VL model, we probe the use of the PI in the representation and study its effect on Visual Question Answering. We show that the model is not capable of leveraging the PI for the image-text matching task on a challenge set where only position differs. Yet, our experiments with probing confirm that the PI is indeed present in the representation. We introduce two strategies to tackle this: (i) Positional Information Pre-training and (ii) Contrastive Learning on PI using Cross-Modality Matching. Doing so, the model can correctly classify if images with detailed PI statements match. Additionally to the 2D information from bounding boxes, we introduce the object{'}s depth as new feature for a better object localization in the space. Even though we were able to improve the model properties as defined by our probes, it only has a negligible effect on the downstream performance. Our results thus highlight an important issue of multimodal modeling: the mere presence of information detectable by a probing classifier is not a guarantee that the information is available in a cross-modal setup.",


This repository is a fork of https://github.com/airsplay/lxmert/. The analysis is based on LXMERT.

  • Source code is stored in src.
  • Files to start training in run.
  • Data should be stored in data.
  • Training results (like models) are stored in snap.


  • Please download the data as described here and here.
  • Add the Depth Information and 9 Mutual Positions labels using data/depth/README.md.
  • Consider using following Docker container:
docker run -it --gpus all --ipc=host --name plxmert -v plxmert:/root/plxmert/ nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:20.03-py3 bash


Set parameters:

N_GPUS=8 	# 8 GPUs for pre-training (takes about 41 hours)
GPU_NUMBER=0 	# 1 GPU for fine-tuning (takes about 11 hours)


Pre-training for original and our version with different positional information input types. Models are stored in snap/.

bash run/plxmert_pretrain.bash $N_GPUS $EXPERIMENT_NAME ARGS


  • --report_cmm_acc for original version.
  • --task_pi_cl_cmm and --pi_aux_weight 10 for our version.
  • PI_INPUT_TYPE: Add --nopi (no positional information), --use_center (x,y), --use_bb (x1,y1,x2,y2), or --use_bb --use_d_med (x1,y1,x2,y2,d).

Mutual Position Evaluation (MPE)

Fine-tuning of PI head for MPE of 11k classification tasks for original version. In our version this is done during pre-training.


Contrastive Evaluation on PI using CMM (CE)

Evaluation of PI using cross-modality matching (CMM).

bash run/lxmert_ce.bash $EXPERIMENT_NAME --valid DATA $PI_INPUT_TYPE --loadLXMERT snap/pretrain/$(EXPERIMENT_NAME)/BEST_EVAL_LOSS --matching_prob X 
  • X: 0.5 for original LXMERT evaluation, 1 to permute all captions to a given image, or 0 not to permute captions.
  • DATA: e.g. mscoco_minival

Downstream Task Evaluation

Downstream task using GQA. This also reports test subsets.



You can download pre-trained models:

No positional information --use_center --use_bb --use_bb --use_d_med
Plain LXMERT lxmert_nopi lxmert_xy lxmert_x1y1x2y2 lxmert_x1y1x2y2d_
With PIP and CL lxmert_nopi_pipcl lxmert_xy_pipcl lxmert_x1y1x2y2_pipcl lxmert_x1y1x2y2d_pipcl

Place the models at snap/pretrain/$(EXPERIMENT_NAME)/BEST_EVAL_LOSS_LXRT.pth