BananaScript is a strongly typed, interpreted programming language written in Go. It was inspired by the Monkey language and its original interpreter.
Check the language out in the BananaScript Playground.
Pre-built binaries are available here.
println("Hello, world!");
let myString := "Hello, world!";
let myInt: int = 42;
let optionalInt: int? = 0;
myString = "Hi!"; // all variables are mutable
myInt = null; // illegal (null safety)
optionalInt = null; // legal
fn add(a: int, b: int) int {
return a + b;
let ten := add(5, 5);
let i := 0;
while i++ < 5 {
let j := 0;
let line := "";
while j++ < i {
line = line + "* ";
fn (int)::fac() int {
if this <= 1 {
return 1;
} else {
return this * (this - 1).fac();
let num := 5.fac(); // 120
type myNewType := int;
let a: myNewType = 0; // good
let b: myNewType = ""; // bad
fn (int)::sayHello() {
type myInterface := iface {
sayHello: fn() void;
fn sayHello(x: myInterface) {
123.sayHello(); // good
"123".sayHello(); // bad
type string := string;
type int := int;
type float := float;
type bool := bool;
type any := iface { };
fn println(any) void; // Print line to console
fn print(any) void; // Print to console (no \n)
fn prompt(any) string; // Input prompt
fn min(int, int) int; // Returns smaller int
fn max(int, int) int; // Returns bigger int
fn (any)::toString() string; // Returns object's string representation
fn (string)::uppercase() string; // Transforms string to uppercase
fn (string)::lowercase() string; // Transform string to lowercase
fn (string)::length() int; // Returns string length
fn (string)::parseInt() int; // Parses int from string
fn (int)::abs() int; // Returns absolute value
fn (float)::abs() float; // Returns absolute value
fn (float)::ceil() float; // Rounds value up
fn (float)::floor() float; // Rounds value down
fn (float)::round() float; // Rounds value