
Easily create and deploy assets across a variety of cloud platforms

MIT LicenseMIT

Winston v.0.01

Easily create and deploy assets across a variety of cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure, DO, Scaleway, and Vultr.

Application Components

High-Level Application Flow

  1. User goes to a website or loads an HTML file.
  2. User picks a provider (AWS, GCP, Azure, DO).
  3. User chooses a server type.
  4. User selects an operating system.
  5. User decides how much memory the server should have.
  6. User chooses how much storage space they need.
  7. User enters a server name.
  8. User clicks the "deploy server" button.
  9. System generates a Terraform script from user choices.
  10. A Bash script then launches Terraform and executes the custom script.
  11. Custom server(s) are built using the informations that was chosen in #02-07.
  12. User is notified of a successful or unsuccessful build.
  13. If successful, the user is presented with an IP address and login credentials.
  14. If unsuccessful, an error message is displayed.


Created by Patrick H. Mullins. You can find me on Twitter and on Telegram as @pmullins.


Source is released under the MIT License (MIT) license.