
A Terraform controller for Flux

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TF-controller for Flux: GitOps everything at your own pace

TF-controller is an experimental controller for Flux to reconcile Terraform resources in the GitOps-way. With the power of Flux together with Terraform, TF-controller allows you to GitOps everything, in the Kubernetes and Terraform universe, at your own pace.

"At your own pace" means you don't need to GitOps-ify everything at once.

TF-controller comes with many GitOps models that allow you to:

  1. Full GitOps Automation Model: GitOps your Terraform resources from the provision steps to the enforcement steps, like a whole EKS cluster.
  2. Hybrid GitOps Automation Model: GitOps parts of your existing infrastructure resources. For example, you have an existing EKS cluster. You can choose to GitOps only its nodegroup, or its security group.
  3. State Enforcement Model: You have a TFSTATE file, and you'd like to use GitOps enforce it, without changing anything else.
  4. Drift Detection Model: You have a TFSTATE file, and you'd like to use GitOps just for drift detection, so you can decide to do things later when a drift occurs.


  • Full GitOps Automation for Terraform: With setting .spec.approvePlan=auto, it allows a Terraform object to be reconciled and act as the representation of your Terraform resources. The TF-controller uses the spec of the Terraform object to perform plan, apply its associated Terraform resources. It then stores the TFSTATE of the applied resources as a Secret inside the Kubernetes cluster. After .spec.interval passes, the controller performs drift detection to check if there is a drift occurred between your live system, and your Terraform resources. If a drift occurs, the plan to fix that drift will be generated and applied automatically. This feature is available since v0.3.0.
  • Drift detection: This feature is a part of the GitOps automation feature. The controller detects and fixes drift for your infrastructures, based on the Terraform resources and their TFSTATE. This feature is available since v0.5.0. Drift detection is enabled by default. You can use the field .spec.disableDriftDetection to disable this behaviour. This feature is available since v0.7.0.
  • Plan and Manual Approve: This feature allows you to separate the plan, out of the apply step, just like the Terraform workflow you are familiar with. A good thing about this is that it is done in a GitOps way. When a plan is generated, the controller shows you a message like 'set approvePlan: "plan-main-123" to apply this plan.'. You make change to the field .spec.approvePlan, commit and push to tell the TF-controller to apply the plan for you. With this GitOps workflow, you can optionally create and push this change to a new branch for your team member to review and approve too. This feature is available since v0.6.0.


Version Terraform Source Controller Flux v2
v0.7.0 v1.1.3 v0.20.1 v0.25.x
v0.6.0 v1.1.3 v0.20.1 v0.25.x

Quick start

Before using TF-controller, you have to install Flux by using either flux install or flux bootstrap command. After that you can install TF-controller manually by:

export TF_CON_VER=v0.7.0
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/chanwit/tf-controller/releases/download/${TF_CON_VER}/tf-controller.crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/chanwit/tf-controller/releases/download/${TF_CON_VER}/tf-controller.rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/chanwit/tf-controller/releases/download/${TF_CON_VER}/tf-controller.deployment.yaml

Alternatively, you can install via Helm:

# Add tf-controller helm repository to local
helm repo add tf-controller https://tf-controller.github.io/charts/

# Install tf-controller
helm upgrade -i tf-controller tf-controller/tf-controller \
    --namespace flux-system

For details on configurable parameters of the TF-controller chart, please see chart readme.

Here's a simple example of how to GitOps your Terraform resources with TF-controller and Flux.

Define source

First, we need to define a Source controller's source (GitRepostory, or Bucket), for example:

apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: GitRepository
  name: helloworld
  namespace: flux-system
  interval: 30s
  url: https://github.com/tf-controller/helloworld
    branch: main

The GitOps Automation mode

The GitOps automation mode could be enabled by setting .spec.approvePlan=auto. In this mode, Terraform resources will be planned, and automatically applied for you.

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Terraform
  name: helloworld
  namespace: flux-system
  approvePlan: "auto"
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system

The manual mode: plan and manual apply

For the plan & manual approval workflow, please either set .spec.approvePlan to be the blank value, or omit the field.

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Terraform
  name: helloworld
  namespace: flux-system
+ approvePlan: "" # or you can omit this field
- approvePlan: "auto"
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system

Then the controller will tell you how to use field .spec.approvePlan to approve the plan. After making change and push, it will apply the plan to create real resources.

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Terraform
  name: hello-world
  namespace: flux-system
+ approvePlan: "plan-main-b8e362c206" # first 8 digits of a commit hash is enough
- approvePlan: ""
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system

The drift detection only mode: plan and apply will be skipped

To only run drift detection, skipping the plan and apply stages, set .spec.approvePlan to disable.

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Terraform
  name: hello-world
  namespace: flux-system
  approvePlan: "disable"
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system

Disable Drift Detection

Drift detection is enabled by default. Use the .spec.disableDriftDetection field to disable:

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Terraform
  name: helloworld
  namespace: flux-system
  approvePlan: "auto"
  disableDriftDetection: true
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system


AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) offers IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) as a mechanism by which to provide credentials for the Terraform controller.

You can use eksctl to associate an OIDC provider with your EKS cluster, for example:

eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster CLUSTER_NAME --approve

Then follow the instructions here to add a trust policy to the IAM role which grants the necessary permissions for Terraform. Please note that if you have installed the controller following the README, then the namespace:serviceaccountname will be flux-system:tf-controller. You'll obtain a Role ARN to use in the next step.

Finally, annotate the ServiceAccount with the obtained Role ARN in your cluster:

kubectl annotate -n flux-system serviceaccount tf-controller eks.amazon.com/role-arn=ROLE_ARN

Setting Terraform Variables

This is a breaking change for the v1alpha1 API. Users who are upgrading from TF-controller <= 0.7.0 require updating varsFrom, from a single object:

    kind: ConfigMap
    name: cluster-config

to be an array of object, like this:

  - kind: ConfigMap
    name: cluster-config

You can pass variables to Terraform using the vars and varsFrom fields.

Inline variables can be set using vars. The varsFrom field accepts a list of ConfigMaps / Secrets. You may use the varsKeys property of varsFrom to select specific keys from the input or omit this field to select all keys from the input source.

Note that in the case of the same variable key being passed multiple times, the controller will use the lattermost instance of the key passed to varsFrom.

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Terraform
  name: helloworld
  namespace: flux-system
  approvePlan: "auto"
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system
    region: us-east-1
    env: dev
    instanceType: t3-small
  - kind: ConfigMap
    name: cluster-config
      - nodeCount
      - instanceType
  - kind: Secret
    name: cluster-creds


  • A Terraform GitOps with Flux to automatically reconcile your AWS IAM Policies.
  • GitOps an existing EKS cluster, by partially import its nodegroup and manage it with TF-controller: An EKS scaling example.

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


Q1 2022

  • Terraform outputs as Kubernetes Secrets
  • Secret and ConfigMap as input variables
  • Support the GitOps way to "plan" / "re-plan"
  • Support the GitOps way to "apply"
  • Drift detection
  • Support auto-apply so that the reconciliation detect drifts and always make changes
  • Interop with Kustomization controller's health checks
  • Test coverage reaching 70%

Q2 2022

  • Interop with Notification controller's Events and Alert
  • Write back and show plan in PRs
  • Test coverage reaching 75%

Q3 2022

  • Performance and scalability
  • Test coverage reaching 80%