Pinned issues
- 0
- 2
Support 16Bit png files!
#313 opened by AmmarkoV - 0
SIMD optimizations
#312 opened by markg85 - 2
- 5
Possible Signed Overflow for Luma Chunks
#254 opened by Xaldew - 2
- 0
Allow static implementation
#304 opened by ListeriaM - 4
Does QOI support grayscale?
#293 opened by dmikushin - 1
handling of single-channel images
#303 opened by schoebey - 6
qoiz mime type
#300 opened by tansy - 1
- 12
Spec clarifications
#253 opened by andrews05 - 0
Add "Squoosh" web app
#297 opened by Bustycat - 8
- 1
Add metadata to QOI file?
#294 opened by dmikushin - 4
- 0
qoibench.c: compilation error on Windows
#275 opened by vtorri - 4
- 1
We made our image formatter based on this
#264 opened by antja0 - 0
Packaging for Fedora
#270 opened by ErrorNoInternet - 1
Tag a release?
#261 opened by elly - 0
nixpkg file
#265 opened by Cloudef - 0
mention FFmpeg
#259 opened by richardpl - 1
Implementing in Objective-C
#249 opened by MrNocole - 1
Mention tool : tacentview
#248 opened by BrothaOnAcid - 5
Two small suggestions about optimization
#251 opened by dbyoung720 - 0
- 0
Add a LICENSE file for clarity
#250 opened by JacksonChen666 - 7
suggestions for animated QOI?
#228 opened by psy0rz - 1
Add a high-dynamic range support?
#229 opened by MaGetzUb - 1
Suggestion - hash function testing...
#246 opened by jedSavage - 0
Some potential optimisations
#242 opened by HughPH - 2
Typo in website: "losslessy"
#239 opened by waldyrious - 2
Ambiguous specifications for encoding
#230 opened by vFetet - 0
Racket implementation
#217 opened by aumouvantsillage - 3
- 0
Java SPI implementation
#210 opened by MarkJeronimus - 3
possibly add my thumbnailer package to readme
#215 opened by walksanatora - 1
Need to encode Infrared Data
#212 opened by Cyrille-de-Brebisson - 1
The hash function could be improved
#211 opened by MarkJeronimus - 22
- 0
faster hash calculations nad other optimizations.
#203 opened by kpckpc - 1
aur is not alone anymore
#231 opened by alexmyczko - 1
Does the QOI format have a magic head?
#238 opened by NCBM - 2
Proposal to extend usage of [00 Index] OP-Code
#232 opened by zelosos - 0
- 4
- 2
Question about QOI license
#206 opened by killua-killua - 7
Couple of potential improvements to the algorithm, including space-filling curves and removing (sometimes) unnecessary QOI-OP-RGB marks
#204 opened by AZMCode - 6