The n32s code is a precompiler from Notation3 (RDF Surfaces) to a N3S format that is used by Prolog reasoners such as eye, retina and Latar.
Need node version >= 18.
Need N3.js version 2.0.0
git clone
git fetch --all
git checkout versions/2.0.0
cd N3.js
yarn link
yarn install
yarn link n3
yarn build
node js/index.js <n3-file>
$ cat demo.n3
@prefix : <> .
@prefix log: <> .
:Alice a :Person .
(_:X) log:onNegativeSurface {
_:X a :Person .
() log:onNegativeSurface {
_:X a :Human .
} .
} .
$ node js/index.js demo.n3