
Professional resume for Joshua Byrd


# Joshua Byrd :: Digital Developer :: [Resume v.2024]

Mid-to-senior level, Clarion & Walkley award winning, software developer and devops enthusiast, exploring new opportunities and challenges in creative digital spaces, collaborating with diverse teams, and bringing practical tech magic to the table.

## Current focus

[1] The Rust programming language / WASM / Systems development
[2] Web application development / Svelte / React / Jamstack
[3] ActivityPub and the social web (fediverse) / Mastodon / GoToSocial

## Experience

[1] 7+ years [ABC News Digital] :: Developer / Data Journalist
[2] 10+ years [Karuna Hospice Services] :: Head of IT
[3] 2~ years [Whitelion Association] :: IT Engineer
[4] 1~ year [Polybia Studios] :: Application Developer
[3] 1~ year [Palliative Care Queensland] :: IT Support Officer
++ more on request ...

## Education

[1] Master of IT :: QUT [2005 - incomplete]
[2] Bachelor of Arts :: ACU [2001, 2003]
[3] Bachelor of Creative Industries :: QUT [2002]
++ other courses including WebGL, TypeScript, CSS, Functional programming, data analysis, etc.

## Contact

Email :: byrd.joshua@proton.me
Phone :: +61 0438 519 545

Expanded resume, more information, and references available upon request. Exploring all opportunities for the future. Would love to sit down and chat more over coffee.

