
Basic Linux init setup and some pointers

Primary LanguageVim Script

Shub's Dotfiles

Custom Rice - Heart on Flames

I have been troubling to setup Linux for a long time now. But recently Reddit has helped me a lot and the subreddit r/unixporn has inspired me to upgrade my Linux environment. I still have a long way to go for my setup to be complete, and totally fitting for my personal use.

This repo contains custom fish-shell, i3 and many other confs for my persolnal setup I have totally shifted to fish shell, and all my basic configs will be based on fish.

Important Tools required:

After Installing Manjaro, with i3wm as windows manager, some important tools are required for my setup (Arch is not used from scratch, as there are many setups and confs that manjaro handles by default).

  • Polybar - replaced the default i3bar with polybar for better customizations
  • Alacritty - I was using URxvt for starters for my Terminal, it's quite light weight, but lacks support for dynamic glyph widths, where alacritty is great. Also Alacritty is GPU accelerated, which makes it the future of Terminals.
  • Fish Shell - Modern shell for development.
    • Oh My Fish - For some default themes and extra features. I am using Budspencer as my terminal theme.
    • Fuzzy Search - This is required for a good fuzzy search for the history. Can be used for other stuffs as well.
  • Compton - I am using a compton fork, by user tryone144 which allows to use, dual-kawase blur effect for windows.
  • Rofi - Program runner
  • Nerd Fonts - Patched fonts to get handled by powerline shells. I am using a mix of FuraCode and Inconsolata.
  • Xresouces-Themes - Privides some managed set of theme colors, from which I am currently using iterm-afterglow.
  • Flameshot - A very good Screeshot tool. I would love to contribute, or create some Rust based plugins.

NOTE: I am using custom Aliases and Scripts for small tasks. You can find them in .config/fish/*.alias.fish and .config/fish/functions respectively.

Some honourable mentions:

  • GoTop - Awesome way to get CPU/Memory etc. details in presentable CMD UI. To load colorscheme - gotop -c colors
  • Exa - New gen replacement for ls, with colors
  • Bat - Color my cat 😉.

Some useful commands

  • Clean Font Cache - fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts/

To Dos:

  • Setup Git for my personal projects.
    • Basically I need to understand how to set up my git template.
    • Need to understand what ctags does.