
COP6726 - Database System Implementation - Database From Scratch

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


COP6726 - Database System Implementation - Database From Scratch

Directory structure

  • sqlike/ - project root directory.
    • bin/ - contains bin files generated through DBFile::Load method.
      • 1gb/ - contains bin files for 1gb dataset.
      • 10mb/ - contains bin files for 10mb dataset.
    • build/ - contains compiled binaries and executables. This is the directory from where we'll be executing the commands to run our project.
    • docs/ - contains documentation for project description given by the Professor. Also contains screenshots of the results.
    • files/ - contains tbl dataset files generated through TPC-H dbgen. Also contains catalog file which holds the schema definitions for our dataset.
      • 1gb/ - contains tbl files for 1gb dataset.
      • 10mb/ - contains tbl files for 10mb dataset.
    • src/ - contains project source code.
    • test-cases/ - contains test files and test script for the project.

Note: The folders bin, build, and files/1gb has not been pushed to GitHub due to storage limitations.

Project Environment

  • OS: Windows with WSL (windows subsystem for linux). I downloaded Ubuntu 20.04LTS from the Microsoft store.
  • IDE: CLion with configuration done following this and this. I also made some changes in this configuration and provided my setup screenshots(docs/toolchains-setup.jpg & docs/cmake-setup.jpg) for reference.
  • GTest: In addition to this tutorial, I have also configured GTest by running sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev inside Ubuntu terminal.

Note: All this configuration commands needs to be run on Ubuntu terminal. I have used cmake instead of make, so that I can debug using CLion.

Build Process

Run the following commands in order to run this project on your machine.

  • git clone https://github.com/phoenix-254/sqlike.git.

  • cd sqlike/src/ - move to src folder.

  • cmake -B../build -H. - this will generate build folder with all the required files using CMakeLists.txt file in src folder. (from src/ directory)

  • cd ../build/ - move to build folder.

  • cmake --build . --target sqlike-test - compiles the code and generates an executable. (from build/ directory)

    The sqlike-test here is the name of the executable you want to generate, it can be clean or any other defined in your CMakeLists. e.g in order to clean we can use cmake --build . --target clean.

  • ./sqlike-test - to run the code. (from build/ directory)

  • ./run.sh - to run the test script and generate output1.txt. (from test-cases directory)

Note: You must create empty bin folder with two sub-folders(1gb & 10mb) inside the root folder as depicted in above directory structure prior to runnig this project. Also, you have to generate 1gb tbl files using TPC-H dbgen yourself and put it in files/1gb/ folder if you want to test against 1gb dataset.

Project Source

  • Record: This class implements the actual objects that your database will store and stores all of the data in each record as a flat bit string.
  • Page: This is the in-memory realization of a database page; a page is essentially a collection of database records. Previously inside the File class.
  • File: This is a disk-based container class that holds an array of pages.
  • Comparison: This class implements many of the standard operations that must be provided by the database record manager; that is, they will allow your database to semantically interpret the records that it stores. There is one class called CNF, which is constructed from the parse tree for a conjunctive normal form predicate. This class tells the database system how to apply a user-supplied conjunctive normal form expression to a given records. There is another class called OrderMaker that encodes a less-than/greater-than comparison across two records; this class is used for sorting operations.
  • ComparisonEngine: This class contains the code that actually uses the classes that are provided in Comparison.h to perform comparisons. For example, the ne class will allow you to actually use a CNF object to see whether or not a given record has been accepted by the underlying conjunctive normal form predicate.
  • Schema: This file encodes a few functions that load up a relation schema from the database catalog using the catalog file.
  • Config: A simple header file containing static information for the project. e.g Path where tbl or bin files reside.
  • Const: A simple header file containing constant values used in this project. Previously Defs.h
  • TwoWayList: A data structure used by Page to hold collection of records.
  • ParseTree: Contains tree structure for the CNF.
  • Parser: Used to parse the CNF supplied by the user. This makes it possible for you to easily type CNF statements using the keyboard. This uses Bison library.
  • Scanner: Defines rules for how to scan and what action to take for each token given in input CNF by the user. This uses Flex library. Previously Lexer.l.
  • DBFile: A driver class that provides an interface for simply storing and retrieving records from the database.
  • GenericDBFile: A virtual base class that is used internally by DBFile, to implement either Heap or Sorted file functionality.
  • Heap: This class holds all the logic related to functions for DBFile of type Heap. This extends GenericDBFile.
  • Sorted: This class holds all the logic related to functions for DBFile of type Sorted. This extends GenericDBFile.
  • Pipe: This class works as a temporary buffer for all the records needed to be sorted. This works in conjunction with the Producer, Consumer, and BigQ Worker threads and helps in keeping synchronization among them.
  • BigQ: This class does the job of sorting all the records from the input pipe according to the given sort-order, and then writing them to the output pipe.

Refer docs/ProjectDescription.pdf for more information.