Nuxt 3 Module Federation example

🔥 Module Federation support has been implemented!

This repository showcases how to use Nuxt 3 with Module Federation. It was also used as a reproduction for shared module not available for eager consumption: Vue bug. The bug is now fixed and you can use the full power of Module Federation on both SSR and CSR.

Getting started

The repository is structured as a Nx monorepo, where nuxt3-app package is for the Nuxt 3 host and remote package is for Vue CLI-generated component remote.

Please, enable Corepack to use the correct version of Yarn:

corepack enable

Install dependencies:



In order to build the packages, simply run

yarn build

When run on project root, it will build all the packages. When run in packages/*, it will build the individual packages.


To start the Nuxt host and Vue remote, use

yarn start

As with the build command, you can run it either on project root or on individual package root.

Exposed applications

Nuxt is exposed at http://localhost:3000.

Vue remote is exposed at http://localhost:3101.

You can navigate to http://localhost:3101/client to see the host version of Vue remote.


Please, note that you need to have at least Node.js 14 and Yarn v4.

If you still cannot get the project running, file an issue in case you encounter.