Post and Tag Management API
This project is a RESTful API built using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for managing posts and associated tags. The API supports features like pagination, sorting, keyword-based filtering, and tag-based filtering. It also includes functionality for uploading images either directly to MongoDB (in Base64 format).
Features Create Posts: Create a post with a title, description, tags, and an optional image. Manage Tags: Automatically create tags if they don't exist and then associating them with a post. List Posts: Retrieve a paginated, sorted list of posts, filtered by keywords or tags. Image Upload: Support for uploading images in Base64 format . Error Handling: Detailed error handling with appropriate status codes and messages.
- Create a Post Endpoint: POST /api/posts
Description: Create a new post with title, description, tags, and an optional image.
Request Body:
title (string) - The title of the post (required) description (string) - The description of the post (required) tags (array of strings) - Tags associated with the post image (file or base64 string) - The image associated with the post (optional)
- Get All Posts Endpoint: GET /api/posts
Description: Retrieve all posts with options for pagination, sorting, and filtering.
Query Parameters:
page (integer) - The page number for pagination (default: 1) limit (integer) - The number of posts per page (default: 10) sort (string) - The field to sort by (default: createdAt) keyword (string) - Filter posts by a keyword in the title or description tag (string) - Filter posts by a specific tag
Setup and Installation Prerequisites Node.js (v14.x or later) MongoDB (v4.x or later) npm or yarn
Installation Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate into the project directory: cd ideaUsher
Install dependencies: npm install
Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following environment variables: PORT=5000 MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/your-database
Start the server: npm start or node server.js or nodemon server
Testing with Postman You can test the API using the provided Postman collection:
Download Postman.
Import the provided Postman collection file (IdeaUsher.postman_collection.json
Run the API requests directly from Postman.
The API should now be running at http://localhost:5000/api/posts.