
Liberation Fork on Takistan

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KP Liberation

KP Liberation for ArmA 3

Current version : 0.961

BI Forum Thread

Steam Workshop


This mission is only a continued project based on the original, but most likely abandoned, mission from GreuhZbug.

Original Liberation mission v0.924

If you like the work and think it's worth a small donation, feel free to use the following link:

Donate via paypal.me


The area has fallen to the enemy, and it is up to you to take it back. Embark on a persistent campaign with your teammates to liberate all the major cities of the area that will span several weeks of real time.

  • Experience a massive “Capture the Island” campaign involving a large range of different settlements across the entire area.
  • Cooperate with up to 34 players, including a Commanding role, two fire-team squads, a medevac and a logistical support squad as well as AI recruits to fill the gaps.
  • Purchase both infantry and vehicles (both ground and air) using three different types of physical resources; supplies, ammunition and fuel.
  • Build the FOB of your dreams with an in-game "what you see is what you get" system.
  • Play within an immersive engine that not only punishes you for civilian casualty but diversely reacts in turn.
  • Combat aggressive and cunning hostile forces who react and adapt to your actions.
  • Monitor and work alongside, or against, independent guerrilla forces.
  • Learn that every window is a threat thanks to the custom urban combat AI.
  • Accomplish meaningful secondary objectives that will benefit your progression.
  • Never lose your progress with the built-in server-side save system.

Public Servers

KP Liberation by www.killahpotatoes.de

  • IP:
  • Port: 2302
  • Needed Mods: None
  • Admin: jus61

Needed Mods

These mods are needed if you want to use the prepacked missionfiles from the release tab or Steam Workshop. You can play every map without any mods (only the maps themself) if you set the preset to custom in the file kp_liberation_config.

Recommended Mods

These mods are recommended by us, as they are likely to increase your gaming experience:

Also you should think about using these mods as serverside mods:

ACE Serverside Settings

I've provided our communities serverconfig.hpp to be used with the ace_server.pbo for dedicated servers. Just copy the userconfig folder into your ArmA 3 Server folder and start the ace_server.pbo as a serverside mod.

Recommended Difficulty Settings

I recommend using the following difficulty settings for this mission (User profile of your server):

class CustomDifficulty
	class Options

In the server config file:

forcedDifficulty = "custom";

class Missions
	class kp_liberation
		template = "kp_liberation.Altis";
		difficulty = "custom";




0.961 (6th November 2017)

  • Added: ACE auto detection. (BI Revive still has to be disabled manually)
  • Added: Parameter to decide if vehicles should have cleared cargo or not. Thanks to veteran29
  • Removed: ACE compatibility parameter.
  • Updated: ACE settings from our community due to the new pylons system in ACE.
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Updated: Chinese Simplified localization. Thanks to nercon
  • Updated: List of ignored buildings for the civil reputation.
  • Tweaked: Logistic convoy ambush chance balancing.
  • Fixed: SMAW optic placed in wrong array in RHS presets.

0.96 (12th October 2017)

  • Added: BI Support System functionality. (Currently deactivated, as there are still issues in MP)
    • Added: Parameter for access to the Support System -> Disabled, Commander, Whitelist, Everyone.
    • Added: BI Artillery support for artillery vehicles and mortars (if built manned or AI ordered to get in as crew).
    • Added: Players can request artillery support from players (generates task).
  • Added: Civil Reputation.
    • Added: Config variables in kp_liberation_config.sqf.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for killing civilians.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for killing allied resistance fighters.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for seizing civil vehicles.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for destroyed/damaged civil buildings. (evaluated only on capture a sector event)
    • Added: Mission parameter to choose building penalty for damaged or only destroyed buildings.
    • Added: Reputation gain for liberated sectors.
    • Added: After capturing a sector you might find wounded civilians. You can also gain reputation for offering medical support.
  • Added: Civil informant.
    • Added: If you've a good reputation, a civil informant can rarely spawn at blufor sectors.
    • Added: Intel increase, if you capture the informant and bring him back to a FOB.
    • Added: There is a chance that an informant will reveal a time critical task to kill a HVT.
  • Added: Asymmetric Threats.
    • Added: Possibility of IEDs in blufor sectors, if you have a bad civil reputation.
    • Added: Own logistic convoys can be ambushed by guerilla forces.
    • Added: Value for guerilla strength which will be affected by the events connected to guerilla forces.
    • Added: Guerilla forces presets.
    • Added: Dynamic guerilla forces equipment depending on their strength value.
    • Added: Chance that guerilla forces will join the fight at a sector as friend or foe. (depends on reputation)
    • Added: Possibility of a guerilla ambush in blufor sectors (additional to IEDs).
  • Added: Chinese Simplified localization. Thanks to nercon
  • Added: Automatic server restart script for dedicated servers. Thanks to k4s0
  • Added: Settings in the mission parameters for particular debug messages.
  • Added: Factory map markers now indicate which production facilities are available there.
  • Added: LoW Civilians.
  • Added: LoW UAV backpacks to the default blacklist.
  • Added: LoW AL-6 Pelican UAV.
  • Added: Some of the new RHS vehicles.
  • Added: Turkish localization. Thanks to Carbneth
  • Added: Parameter to set a cooldown for using mobile respawns.
  • Updated: English ingame tutorial texts in stringtable. Thanks to FatRefrigerator
  • Removed: Liberation skill handling of AI units, as BI do this good enough now concerning wounds, etc.
  • Removed: Vehicle explosion chance script for convoy ambush.
  • Removed: Old debug messages.
  • Tweaked: Terrain alignment will be persistent during repeat building of objects (like walls). Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Some reordering of UI elements.
  • Tweaked: Localization support for the extended options menu. Thanks to nercon
  • Tweaked: Highlight color in production list changed to blue instead of misleading green.
  • Tweaked: Amounts of resources on each FOB and production site is now visible in logistic dropdown menu as (Supplies/Ammo/Fuel).
  • Tweaked: Removed the logistic convoy cap of 26 (which was due to the alphabet).
  • Tweaked: Captured enemy vehicles are now also listed in the commanders zeus interface.
  • Tweaked: Cities won't be able to produce resources anymore.
  • Tweaked: IED count in cities, capitals and factories is now dependend on the civil reputation.
  • Tweaked: Corrected some strings in the stringtable.
  • Tweaked: Factories don't have all facilities from the start anymore. The facility they start with is set at campaign start.
  • Tweaked: Replaced all deprecated BIS_fnc_selectRandom with the engine solution selectRandom.
  • Tweaked: Server log will now contain the [STATS] message of all clients. (players and HCs)
  • Tweaked: Preset system split to select blufor, opfor, resistance and civilians independently. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Capitals, cities and factories are now basically guarded by "militia" forces. Switching to regular army if the enemy combat readiness is increased.
  • Tweaked: Static weapons array missed some weapons.
  • Tweaked: Civil vehicles are now saved at a FOB after they were seized by players.
  • Tweaked: Some small code optimizations and format corrections.
  • Fixed: Player got custom recoil and aiming coefficients on respawn.
  • Fixed: Rare script error on closing respawn screen directly after joining the mission.
  • Fixed: Players could deploy multiple FOBs when they selected deploy fast enough on the same container.
  • Fixed: It was possible to disassemble a mortar in preview.
  • Fixed: Preview vehicles could get saved if you shut down the mission right after canceling the build process or if you'd still the preview in front you.
  • Fixed: Small issues due to the default "hold fire" combat mode for AI.
  • Fixed: Single Infantry units weren't saved sometimes.
  • Fixed: Paratroopers got sometimes an attack helicopter instead of a transport helicopter.
  • Fixed: Rescue helipad blocked building in their near vicinity.
  • Fixed: MPKill Eventhandler issue when using ACE.
  • Fixed: Function to buy a logistic truck worked but caused an error in dedicated server environment.
  • Fixed: Couldn't build under powerlines.
  • Fixed: Items in backpack weren't checked by arsenal blacklist crawler.

0.955 (24th June 2017)

  • Added: Some small aesthetic things for the buildlist
  • Added: Exception for TFAR items from the 1.0 Beta (it's TFAR_ and not tf_ in the classnames there)
  • Added: Malden missionfile. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Updated: German tutorial texts. Thanks to madpat3
  • Tweaked: Jets removed from battlegroups, so they won't spawn on the ground. But they still appear on high awareness
  • Tweaked: Recycle action code, changed from distance to distance2D to prevent issues with buildings like the airport lamp
  • Tweaked: Helipads are now added to Zeus, so the commander can delete them, as they can't be recycled normally
  • Fixed: Production and Logistic Overview wasn't usable in normal UI scale
  • Fixed: The RHS "Mk.V SOC" boat got no recycle action due to the mounted static weapons

0.954 (19th June 2017)

  • Added: Some small aesthetic things for the buildlist
  • Added: Transport configs for the unarmed Blackfish variants (can hold 5 crates). Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Production dialog list entries are now color coded depending on the actual production
  • Tweaked: Small changes in the save_manager.sqf concerning object placement
  • Tweaked: Raised the default production interval a little bit
  • Tweaked: Updated ACE serverside settings
  • Fixed: UAVs counted to heli / plane count concerning used slots
  • Fixed: SDV was missing in the boats array to be able to place it on water
  • Fixed: H-Barrier classname changed from the protected to the public one

0.953 (12th June 2017)

  • Added: Action to stack and sort resources in storage areas
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Updated: German localization. (umlauts)
  • Tweaked: Statics can now be placed inside buildings
  • Tweaked: Recycle of objects which won't give any resources is now always possible
  • Tweaked: Debug messages
  • Tweaked: Added the blackfish to all presets, as it was already listed to be unlockable
  • Tweaked: Again a small change at the placement of objects from the savegame
  • Fixed: Error in production dialog due to wrong global variable
  • Fixed: Last two supply_vehicle elements weren't shown in the build menu

0.952 (4th June 2017)

  • Added: Action to push resource crates
  • Added: More transport configs for various vehicles. Thanks to ChiefOwens
  • Added: Some more vehicles from RHS to the presets
  • Added: More buildable lights for the FOB. Thanks to Reckulation
  • Added: A devkit mission.sqm for people who want to port Liberation to other maps
  • Added: GitHub Wiki (will be expanded step by step in the future)
  • Removed: Some clutter of the custom enemy bases on each map. Could maybe increase performance a little bit
  • Tweaked: Starting times of the maps were not equal
  • Tweaked: Syncing times for production when resources are stored or unstored in sector storages
  • Tweaked: Moved ACE compatibility and Debug setting from kp_liberation_config.sqf to parameters
  • Fixed: SDV and armed boat recycle caused a script error
  • Fixed: AI Squads weren't saved
  • Fixed: Start vehicles were spawning with items in the inventory
  • Fixed: Sometimes you couldn't slingload crates which were unloaded from a storage

0.951 (28th May 2017)

  • Added: Boats at the stern of the Freedom for amphibious insertion
  • Added: Transport configs for guerilla offroad and van
  • Added: Mission parameter to choose between arsenal with no restrictions at all or using the defined preset from kp_liberation_config.sqf (no restriction not recommended)
  • Added: Al Rayak missionfile
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Updated: Russian localization. Thanks to KOC
  • Tweaked: Syncing between server and clients after building a sector storage
  • Tweaked: Debug info output for sector production and logistic management
  • Tweaked: Small things on each mission.sqm. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Factories will directly start producing supplies, as soon as a storage area is built
  • Tweaked: General syncing of production and logistic data between client and server
  • Tweaked: Resource amount is now also being displayed in the production dialog, not only crates count
  • Tweaked: Production menu is now also available if near a production sector
  • Tweaked: Checking the content of a crate now also checks if ropeAttachEnabled is true and set it to true if not
  • Tweaked: Improved logistics algorithm concerning behaviour of loading resources
  • Tweaked: Removed unarmed vehicles from sector defender vehicles. They are still transports for battlegroups
  • Fixed: Hostile map markers on Sahrani had a little offset from the map grid
  • Fixed: No intelobjects spawned at military bases
  • Fixed: Missing vehicles because of classname changes due to the ArmA 3 update. Thanks to madpat3 for an overview of all changes
  • Fixed: Production menu showed timer even if nothing is produced
  • Fixed: Production timer displayed as float if using a resource multiplier
  • Fixed: Sahrani mission name wasn't displayed in the server browser, even after mission start
  • Fixed: FOB Box won't respawn if fallen into the water
  • Fixed: It was possible to create a logistic mission without defining a A or B destination
  • Fixed: Logistic dialog didn't update when buying or selling a truck
  • Fixed: Error in serverlog concerning loading control CaptureFrames BLUFOR and OPFOR
  • Fixed: Boat recycle caused a script error
  • Fixed: Exploit of build menu if UI was set to show global resources
  • Fixed: Build menu reloads constantly

0.95 (22th May 2017)

  • Added: New resource system
  • Added: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Added: Action to change alignment (up or terrain aligned) during placement of buildings
  • Added: Action to reassign the commander to the zeus module (only shows if the commander has no access to zeus)
  • Added: Paradrop of a resource package when first FOB is built
  • Added: Action to switch between displaying global or local FOB resources
  • Added: Air vehicle slot system (need a Flight Control to build helipads, hangars and air vehicles)
  • Added: Blacklist / Whitelist filtering for saved loadouts
  • Added: Recycling of enemy vehicles
  • Added: Recycle value now depends on vehicle damage, remaining ammo and fuel
  • Added: Production system for factories and cities (not capitals). Accessable for the commander if near a FOB
  • Added: Ability to build storage areas at sectors, where produced resources will be stored
  • Added: Ability to unlock resource facilities in cities, so you can produce that resource there
  • Added: RHS transport configs. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Added: Civilian transport configs. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Added: Optional logistics module for smaller groups to enable a automatic logistics system for the commander
  • Added: Mission parameter to enable or disable the logistics system
  • Added: 3cb BAF unit and arsenal preset. Thanks to ChiefOwens
  • Added: DLC Jets to most presets
  • Added: Sahrani missionfile. Thanks to Applejakerie for helping with OPFOR Points
  • Added: Debug messages for the server.rpt. Default disabled and can be enabled in the kp_liberation_config.sqf
  • Removed: Resource caps system
  • Removed: Old vanilla unit preset (custom.sqf already provides a vanilla setting)
  • Removed: Passive Income (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Ammo Bounties (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Civilian Penalties (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Overwrite functionality for classnames.sqf, as it is no longer needed due to the preset system
  • Removed: gameplay_constants.sqf
  • Removed: Crate spawn at military bases
  • Removed: Chimera Base on maps with a suitable amount of ocean for supporting the Freedom
  • Merged: gameplay_constants.sqf settings into kp_liberation_config.sqf and added descriptions to the variables
  • Updated: Spanish localization. Thanks to regiregi22
  • Updated: English InGame Tutorial text with the latest informations for resource, production and logistic system. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Replaced: Manpower icon with supplies icon. Thanks to jus61
  • Replaced: Every deprecated BIS_fnc_MP with remoteExec
  • Replaced: ATLAS LHD with USS Freedom. Thanks to Applejakerie for the immersive clutter on the carrier
  • Tweaked: Arsenal blacklist filtering. Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Initialization of the arsenal, which should increase the performance for blacklist using
  • Tweaked: Save manager -> helicopters from the Freedom or Chimera won't be saved, as they spawn on every mission start/load
  • Tweaked: Name for savegame namespace -> adapts automaticly to worldName
  • Tweaked: Revive settings: BI Revive is enabled by default. Disable it, when you use ACE
  • Tweaked: Config, as some apex classnames were missing. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: If attacking a sector, a random amount of crates with random resources will spawn once.
  • Tweaked: Better comments in the unit preset files. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Vehicles with dead crew can now be recycled
  • Tweaked: Altis mission.sqm. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Chimera bases on Takistan and Taunus. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Enemy infantry units will now spawn in initial safe state instead of be directly aware
  • Tweaked: Chimera / Carrier spawn markers. Removed any dependency, using only invisible grasscutter objects. Makes porting etc. much easier
  • Fixed: UAV unconnectable after player death. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: Missing batteries with Apex laser designators. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: Enemy weapon dance. Thanks to k4s0
  • Fixed: Non vanilla paratroopers don't have a parachute
  • Fixed: Enemy jets sometimes spawn on the ground instead flying
  • Fixed: ACE medical crate was empty and couldn't be recycled
  • Fixed: Slingloading while transport crates inside a helicopter causes the helicopter to slingload the loaded crates inside
  • Fixed: Some buildable paratroopers from some presets don't had a parachute

0.94 (20th March 2017)

  • Added: Tanoa missionfile and vanilla apex preset
  • Added: Custom made Chimera Base for Tanoa. Thanks to jus61 for building it
  • Added: X-Cam-Taunus missionfile
  • Added: Custom made Chimera Base for X-Cam-Taunus. Thanks to jus61 for building it
  • Added: Custom made Chimera Base for Chernarus. Thanks to Enigma for building it
  • Added: Arsenal whitelist preset system (change via kp_liberation_config.sqf)
    • Use blacklist from unit preset (default)
    • custom whitelist file
    • KP Community Selection
    • RHS USAF
    • RHS USAF with ACE3
    • RHS USAF with ACE3 and ACRE2
  • Removed: Dependencies on Takistan missionfile
  • Removed: Apex dependencies on Chernarus missionfile (custom chimera base had two apex rocks)
  • Removed: Apex dependencies on Taunus missionfile
  • Replaced: Old hostile markers (exclamation marks) with a unit count sensitive area marking system
  • Tweaked: Presets
    • custom.sqf is now default (vanilla is a kind of legacy now)
    • Vehicle ammo prices are raised to make them more valuable
    • Provided custom.sqf now adapt automaticly to installed mods
  • Fixed: Falling Little Birds on LHD
  • Fixed: Custom flag texture not applied after savegame load
  • Fixed: Mapmarker disable won't work

0.931 (10th March 2017)

  • Added: Takistan Missionfile
  • Added: Chernarus Missionfile
  • Added: RHS Takistan Classnames Preset (desert camo)
  • Added: RHS Classnames Preset (woodland camo)
  • Added: RHS / BW Mod Classnames Preset (woodland camo)
  • Fixed: BI Revive Error
  • Fixed: Starting game with a prebuild FOB caused errors on Takistan

0.93 (7th March 2017)

  • Added: kp_liberation_config.sqf with some additional config values
  • Added: ACE support
  • Added: Fuel consumption script
  • Added: Preset system (will grow with more maps) to choose between different classnames_extension presets
  • Added: custom.sqf in the preset system, where you can adjust everything to your liking (like editing the old classnames_extension.sqf)
  • Added: BI Revive System. Activate it via Parameters in the MP Lobby if you don't use ACE
  • Added: Option in the mission parameters to disable the whole mapmarkers and disable the function in the extended options for every player
  • Added: Ability to blacklist arsenal items
  • Removed: Farooq's Revive
  • Tweaked: Player group organisation (group changing via extended options ingame still enabled)
  • Tweaked: File organization (split scriptpart from missionpart, so it's easier to provide different maps)