Phoenix and Ecto integration with support for concurrent acceptance testing
- 0
- 1
Add support for libsql
#183 opened by svelterust - 1
Request to cut a new release tag
#182 opened by echotrain - 3
CheckRepoStatus fails for missing database
#176 opened by LostKobrakai - 7
- 5
Phoenix.Endpoint.SyncCodeReloadPlug issues CREATE TABLE even though repo is read-only
#169 opened by IwoHerka - 0
Update version dependencies?
#168 opened by 03juan - 2
New release?
#164 opened by cgrothaus - 2
`to_form` does not copy the `:action` field
#163 opened by Gladear - 2
Phoenix.Ecto.SQL.Sandbox support for multi repos?
#154 opened by Cowa - 25
Tasks inside LiveView do not run in sandbox
#157 opened by SteffenDE - 9
Distinguish queries made by phoenix_ecto
#152 opened by fuelen - 3
- 3
Trying to upgrade phoenix and Liveview to latest versions, dependency error with phoenix_html
#145 opened by evansorenson - 6
Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus.init/1 is undefined
#142 opened by kypse - 9
Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus throws error in CLI if database "postgres" is not used
#133 opened by svrcekmichal - 3
String keys in form input helpers
#138 opened by miguel-s - 7
- 1
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Should Ecto.ChangeError be handled by plug.ex?
#131 opened by aselder - 2
Missed `InvalidChangesetError` errors on `apply_action!/2` because they got transformed into `:debug` messages
#130 opened by thojanssens - 2
- 2
(chore): upgrade to latest ecto version
#123 opened by daniellizik - 2
Do not require `as:` option
#117 opened by LostKobrakai - 3
inputs_for :append/:prepend options don't add inputs if there is an error in the changset
#118 opened by thojanssens - 1
Advanced select
#114 opened by kurmetaubanov - 4
:adapter from config files - Postgres
#106 opened by hawksight - 1
Project license unclear
#113 opened by dideler - 1
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phoenix_ecto 4.0 inputs_for and cast_assoc error
#107 opened by memolab - 2
Problems with MySQL adapter in 3.5
#105 opened by beatmadsen - 2
Can't use ecto 3.0-rc because of phoenix ecto
#104 opened by pshoukry - 5
Up to date release
#101 opened by svarlet - 6
- 2
Relax version requirement of ecto?
#99 opened by rbao - 1
Cannot Run seeds.exs
#98 opened by rchaud - 3
Log response for Ecto.CastError & friends
#74 opened by PragTob - 1
Set timeout for sandbox session
#94 opened by viniciussbs - 1
Issue with List.flatten and composed queries
#93 opened by nonotest - 4
docs not published on hexdocs
#84 opened by auxbuss - 2
Changeset.apply_action/2 is not found.
#90 opened by sjoconnor - 2
Undefined function video_path/2
#88 opened by jorditudela - 10
RFC: Make protocol implementations optional
#86 opened by alvinlindstam - 2
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Set schema prefix on insert/insert!
#82 opened by tomciopp - 8
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Rollback: no function clause matching in Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.Connection.intersperse_map
#78 opened by darksheik - 1