Dex2oat failure example with more than 512 modules.

Highly modularized apps with more than 512 modules and a minSdk > 22 will fail the dex2oat process when the apk is installed due to having too many dexs. The app will still install, but will run interpreted bytecode rather than optimized native code. This is also a problem for organizations that create custom Android OS and need to run dex2oat in a build pipeline to include an app in an OS image (our use case). It appears that there is a 1:1 mapping of modules to dexs intended as a build speed optimization to skip the dex merging process. I've attached the dex2oat logs from a pixel 3 emulator running api 26.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build the app: ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug
  2. Check the number of dexs in the app: unzip -l app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk | egrep 'classes\d+\.dex' | wc -l
  3. Install the app (minSdk 23+)
  4. Check logcat for dex2oat exception being thrown