
A dropdown time picker (hour|minute|second) for VueJs (1.x), with flexible time format support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚠️ You are looking at a component for Vue 1.x

Please use vue2-timepicker for your awesome Vue 2.x project.

🚧 This repository will NOT be updated again

It's been almost three years since Vue release its 2.0 version on Sep 30, 2016 (official announcement). Let's embrace the new world!

There's a basic guideline in vue2-timepicker to help you migrating from this Vue 1.x component. Please give it a try.

⭐️ The latest version of vue2-timepicker: npm

Vue Time Picker for Vue 1.x

A dropdown time picker (hour|minute|second) for Vue.js (1.x), with flexible time format support

🎉 The brand new version for Vue 2.x is up!

Please check vue2-timepicker for your Vue 2.x project


You can see the vue-timepicker in action in the Demo Page


Vue.js 1.x (>=v1.0.21 <2.0.0)


Through NPM (recommended)

npm install vue-time-picker --save


bower install vue-timepicker --save

Get Started

Step 1: Import VueTimepicker

A. Include with modules

// import
import VueTimepicker from 'vue-time-picker'

// Or, require
var VueTimepicker = require('vue-time-picker')

B. Include with <script> and <style>

Just put the vue-timepicker.min.js (or vue-timepicker.js) script block after Vue itself

// Don't forget to call this

Step 2: Include VueTimepicker in your component

var yourComponent = new Vue({
  components: {VueTimepicker},

Step 3: Then, you can introduce the vue-timepicker tag anywhere you like in your component's template



Basic Usage

<!-- Default to 24-Hour format HH:mm -->

Customized Time Format

<!-- Show seconds picker -->
<vue-timepicker format="HH:mm:ss"></vue-timepicker>

<!-- 12-hour format, with AM/PM picker -->
<vue-timepicker format="hh:mm A"></vue-timepicker>

<!-- 12-hour format, with seconds picker and am/pm picker -->
<vue-timepicker format="hh:mm:ss a"></vue-timepicker>

VueTimepicker will recognizes the following tokens in the format string

Section Token Output
       | a     | am pm

Hour | H | 0 1 ... 22 23 | HH | 00 01 ... 22 23 | h | 1 2 ... 11 12 | hh | 01 02 ... 11 12 | k | 1 2 ... 23 24 | kk | 01 02 ... 23 24 Minute | m | 0 1 ... 58 59 | mm | 00 01 ... 58 59 Second | s | 0 1 ... 58 59 | ss | 00 01 ... 58 59

If not set, format string will be default to "HH:mm"

Customized Picker interval

<!-- Show minute picker's value in the form of 0, 5, 10, ... 55, 60 -->
<vue-timepicker :minute-interval="5"></vue-timepicker>

<!-- Show second picker's value in the form of 0, 10, 20, ... 50, 60 -->
<vue-timepicker :second-interval="10"></vue-timepicker>

<!-- Bind interval config with your own data variable -->
<vue-timepicker :minute-interval="yourMinuteInterval"></vue-timepicker>

Note: Please do remember to add the : or v-bind: sign before the interval properties

Hide Clear Button

<vue-timepicker hide-clear-button></vue-timepicker>

Initalise Time Picker Value

// e.g. If you want to assign "10:05:00" as the initial value of vue-timepicker
var yourComponent = new Vue({
  components: {VueTimepicker},
  data: function () {
    return {
      yourTimeValue: {
        HH: "10",
        mm: "05",
        ss: "00"
<!-- HTML -->
<vue-timepicker :time-value.sync="yourTimeValue" format="HH:mm:ss"></vue-timepicker>

Get Time Picker's Current Value

Method 1: Read the two-way synced time-value variable

<!-- In the last section, we've set the initial value (yourTimeValue) to "10:05:00" -->
<vue-timepicker :time-value.sync="yourTimeValue" format="HH:mm:ss"></vue-timepicker>
// Then, open the dropdown picker and pick a new time.
// Like setting to "14:30:15" for example
// Check the value after that
// outputs -> {HH: "14", mm: "30", ss: "15"}

Method 2: Listen to the vue-timepicker-update event

// 1) Use `events`
var yourComponent = new Vue({
  components: {VueTimepicker},
  events: {
    'vue-timepicker-update': function (eventData) {
      // `eventData` includes the current value of vue-timepicker
      // Add your handler here

// Or, 2) Use `$on`
this.$on('vue-timepicker-update', function (eventData) {
  // `eventData` includes the current value of vue-timepicker
  // Your handler here

Unlike the sync time-value, which only returns tokens you provided in the initial data (HH, mm and ss in the above case), the vue-timepicker-update event will return all time format.

In the example above, when picker is set to "14:30:15" in HH:mm:ss format, vue-timepicker-update will return the following data:

// `vue-timepicker-update` event data
  HH: "14",
  H: "14",
  hh: "14",
  a: "am",
  A: "AM",
  h: "14",
  kk: "14",
  k: "14",
  m: "30",
  mm: "30",
  s: "15",
  ss: "15"

Whereas the time-value will only return data with your predefined tokens

// Previously defined tokens in `yourTimeValue` are `HH`, `mm` and `ss`
// Hence, `time-value`'s synced data returns:
  HH: "14",
  mm: "30",
  ss: "15"

Method 3: Add @change event handler

<!-- A: No argument -->
<vue-timepicker :time-value.sync="yourTimeValue" @change="changeHandler"></vue-timepicker>

<!-- B: Custom arguments -->
<vue-timepicker :time-value.sync="yourTimeValue" @change="otherChangeHandler($arguments, 'foo', 'bar')"></vue-timepicker>
// A: No argument
changeHandler (eventData) {
  // -> {data: {HH:..., mm:... }}

// B: Custom arguments
otherChangeHandler (eventData, yourArg1, yourArg2) {
  // -> [{data: {HH:..., mm:... }}]
  // -> 'foo'
  // -> 'bar'

Props API

Prop Type Required Default Value
format String no "HH:mm"
minute-interval Number no undefined
second-interval Number no undefined
time-value Object no undefined
hide-clear-button Boolean no false


Please feel free to fork and help developing.

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the webpack guide and docs for vue-loader.

Change Log

Detail changes for each release are documented in CHANGELOG.md
