
A curated list of aweseome projects around the bicycle 🚲

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A curated list of awesome bikeprojects including bike sport, open data, data visualization, data analytics, data journalism, urban planing, crowdsourcing. There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the guide.


  • Radmesser - The Tagesspiegel, together with physicists, experts in artificial intelligence and designers, has developed its own sensor to find out how close car and bicycle drivers are in Berlin's city traffic.
  • fixmyberlin - The Berlin-based FixMyBerlin project analyzes all major roads in the city according to their cycling infrastructure and keep track of where construction projects are really being implemented (source code).
  • Fahrradwetter - A script that checks the rain radar to give you a forecast on wether you should ride the bike today.
  • traffic dynamics (MĂĽnster) - Interactive visualisation of bike (and car) count data from MĂĽnster (Westf., source code)
  • crashes (MĂĽnster) - Interactive visualisation of crashes data from MĂĽnster (Westf., source code)
  • Streetmix - Design, remix and share your street. Add cycle paths, widen sidewalks or lanes, and find out how that affects your community (source code).
  • fahrrad-initiativen.de - A list of bike initiatives in Germany.
  • Radlquartier MĂĽnchen - An interactive visualization of Munich's bike sharing system (source code)
  • CityBikes - Visualizations and APIs for many bike sharing systems around the globe (source code).
  • Bike data project - Our aim is to create impact by showing where and when people actually ride a bicycle. More data means more influence over those in power to make cities more sustainable and bike-friendly.
  • bikedata - R package to extract data from public hire bicycle systems.
  • critical maps - An open source Android and iOS App to organise the monthly critical mass movement around the world.
  • Berlin Cobblestone (Kopfsteinpflaster) OSM Karte - Map shows cobblestone surfaces in Berlin, based on surface=cobblestone attribute in OpenStreetMaps. Project is "proof of concept" or "work in progress", as other surfaces are not yet shown. See also "Falsches Verwenden von surface=cobblestone" (in OSM) .
  • Die gefährlichsten Radwege in Deutschland - Interactive map. Add your own "hot spots" and observations. Map and server set up by Greenpeace. Current disadvantages: map uses Google, not OSM; users appear not to be able to create an url as a deep link to a certain position and zoom level.
  • SimRa - Kostenlose SimRa App. TU Berlin-Projekt. Datensparsame Datensammel-App, die Fahrtrouten aufzeichnet und Beschleunigungsdaten zum Detektieren von Gefahrensituationen nutzt wie plötzliches Bremsen, Ausweichen, StĂĽrze. 3-Jahres-Förderung durch die Citizen-Science-Initiative der TU Berlin.
  • Cyface - Software zur Analyse der Qualität und Nutzung von Verkehrswegen. Cyface Android App und Cyface Sensorbox (RaspberryPi) zur Erfassung von StraĂźen- und Verkehrsdaten. AusgrĂĽndung der TU Dresden.
  • Parking lanes viewer mit Editor
  • BikeNow - An app crafted by a research group at the Technical University of Dresden showing the seconds remaining until the traffic lights will turn green or red so you can speed down or up to cycle through the city of Dresden without stopping. (German, closed source, invitation only)
  • Läuft! - an campaigns run by ADFC Hamburg to provide neighbours in Hamburg with an interactive map and and a tool supporting them to file an application for 30 km/h speed limits on their street due to high air pollution or noise pollution based on German law. The map is using open data issued by the city of Hamburg to identify polluted streets and shows all citizens that already filed an application. Some repositories contain parts of the entire system used to drive the campaign.
  • Verkehrsunfallstatistik - Parser and maps for Berlin's yearly bike accident reports to get the number of accidents per street.
  • Unfallatlas"
  • Wegeheld - App for Android and iOS allowing citizens to report parking violations e.g. parking on sidewalks or cycling infrastruture to the police or the municipal office responsible for public order (Closed Source by now)
  • (Vereinfachte) Verkehrsordnungswidrigkeitenanzeige bei Halt- und Parkverstößen in Berlin - Web page for creating an eMail to Berlin Police to report parking violations based on a template containing all information needed. Extracts location data from photo including reverse geocoding.
  • Abschlapp - First prototype of a mobile app guiding pedestrians and cyclists to get Berlin Police to tow cars from cycling infrastructure and sidewalks based on the instructions by Autofreies Kreuzberg
  • https://biking.michael-simons.eu - Michael Simons's private web tool to manage his bikes and tracks but also a sample application (Repository) to learn both modern server side Java with Spring Boot and software architecture documentation using on the Arc42 template
  • Fahrraddaten-Canvas - Template for documentation, discovery or ideation of Open Data for cycling and bicyle urbanism on a single sheet of paper. (German)
  • BBBike - A route-finder for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg. Developed since 1996 (10 years before the first release of Google Maps!) and still very useful due to own quality attributes like surface, number of traffic lights etc. that are not available in OSM or Google Maps.
  • MotionTag - App for Android and iOS tracking your mobility behavior automatically offering reports with modal split and CO2 emission. Based on their mobility analysis platform. (Closed source, disadvantage: no API for consumers to get your own data)
  • Abstandsrechner - A JS tool to measure the distance between car and cyclist. Estimate distance between car overtaking and bike based on camera photos using road markings as reference.
  • Commons Booking - A Wordpress plugin for management and booking of commons goods especially cargo bikes.
  • Mitradgelegenheit - Website to organize small critical masses on for every day rides like going to work or a trip to the lake.
  • OSM Conflator. This is a script for merging points from some third-party source with OpenStreetMap data. After merging and uploading, the data can be updated.
  • Open Data Cam - 'Open Data Cam' is a tool that helps to quantify the world. The best thing about it: You can make it yourself! With computer vision 'Open Data Cam' understands and quantifies what it sees. The simple setup allows everybody to become an urban data miner
  • Falschparkeranzeige erstellen (mit Kennzeichenerkennung, benutzt Google)
  • Falschparkeranzeige erstellen (experimentell; auf Berliner BuĂźgeldstelle zugeschnitten, läuft datensparsam im Browser, erstellt E-Mail, benutzt OSM)
  • Kennzeichenerkennung
  • Verkehrszählung mit Open-Source-Tool OpenDataCam - Wie viele Autos, Fahrräder oder Schafe täglich die StraĂźe nutzen, lässt sich mit der OpenDataCam ermitteln. Das Tool gibt es nun in Version 2.0.
  • Interaktive Kartenvisualisierung der Wegeheld-Meldungen - siehe https://twitter.com/rad_ritter/status/1177231465668587520

Open Data


  • Data Dive: Cycling data in Berlin - Overview of available Open Data related to Cycling in Berlin by Technologiestiftung Berlin.
  • Bike Counters - Map of all bike counters with basic reporting. Data from previous years is also offered as download on VLB's web page. (Hint: You can get the raw data from the system to do your own visualization as well. There are also differnt libraries available on Github to process data from the "Eco-Counter" system.)
  • Rythmus der StraĂźe - Analysis and visualization of the data from Berlin’s counting stations. The data can be explored based on different temporal inputs (e.g., looking at the data by month/year, or by type of day/time of day), meaning you can see for yourself how bike traffic waxes and wanes based on different factors.
  • Streuplan 2018/19 - List of streets with highest priority for winter service (Einsatzstufe 1 nach StrReinG §3 Absatz 5)


  • Mobilität in Tabellen - Tool to analyze data from the survey and report "Mobilität in Deutschland (MiD) 2017" by BMVI.
  • Unfallatlas - Map and data download of accidents with personal injuries.


Weitere Megaliste von Bike-Projekten

OSM-Verkehrswende Meeetups


Berlin Datacycle Meetup Slides and Links


  • Tagesspiegel Radmesser - Update
  • Input for claiming Open Data related to cycling in Berlin (no slides)
  • BorĂ©al Bikes - Research bike Holoscene X with sensors, signal processing and AI based on concepts from the automotive industry
  • Bike ShakeL - ErschĂĽtterungsmessung mit Arduino (no slides yet)
  • Fahrradwetter
  • Visual Count - Counting traffic with video camera and machine learning