
An example that illustrates how to build REST API form OpenAPI specification by using stride and prana

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Swagger Bank API

API version: 1.0.0


This server was generated by stride project.


You should have the following tools installed:

  • Golang language (at least version 1.12)

Make sure that the environment variable GOPATH is set. The GOPATH directory will be used as workspace directory for all GO projects.

Getting Started

if you host the source code on git and your project has a private dependencies you should configure your git client to use git protocol. For instance for GitHub the command that does that should be:

$ git config --global url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"

The dependencies are managed by Golang's modules dependency system:

$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ export PROJECT_PKG=github.com/phogolabs/example-api
$ go get ./...

Running the tests

The packages is tested in BDD style. For that purpose, we are using Ginkgo and Gomega packages.

You can install all of them by executing the following commands:

$ go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
$ go get github.com/onsi/gomega

Then you can run all tests with the following command:

$ ginkgo -r

Building the binary

$ mkdir -p build
$ go build -o ./build/example-api $PROJECT_PKG/cmd/example-api

Running the server

To run the server, follow these simple steps:

# run the compiled binary
$ ./build/example-api
# another option is just to use golang command line tool
$ go run cmd/example-api/main.go