
Primary LanguagePython


API that allows users to create and like posts, and follow other users.


  1. POST /users/create and POST /posts/create to create a user
    and a post. See posts/models.py for reference on what to supply in the request body
    for posts. User endpoint should accept a username and password. A 201 HTTP status
    code is the expected response.

  2. GET /users/top that returns a list of users with one or more posts
    sorted by number of posts authored descending. The expected response is a list of:

      "username": "<username>",
      "posts": <number of posts>
  3. (unidirectional) follow relationships to User and an endpoint POST /users/follow
    that accepts a user id and a following user id from the request body

  4. GET /users/feed/<user_id> that returns a list of posts created
    by the user or anyone they follow with number of likes received in reverse
    chronological order. List items should have the following structure:

      "id": "<post id>",
      "body": "<post body>",
      "author": "<post author's username>",
      "likes": <post like count>


  • If you have Poetry installed simply poetry install to
    set up you environment.
    • If you don't want to use Poetry, create a virtual environment with django and
      djangorestframework installed.
  • Set up the SQLite database
    • Poetry: poetry run python manage.py migrate
    • Non-Poetry: python manage.py migrate
  • Run the server (on port 8000)
    • Poetry: poetry run python manage.py runserver
    • Non-Poetry: python manage.py migrate