- 3
Link is not opening in phonegap desktop
#921 opened by rakeshbaral92 - 5
it just keeps loading on loop
#914 opened by jakobgibbs555 - 5
Latest version of Phonegap desktop software is not working in windows 10
#916 opened by kalaiprakash93 - 2
persian users
#923 opened by Mostafa214 - 1
PhoneGap Desktop will not load. please help
#926 opened by blake23174 - 21
PhoneGap does not stop loading
#913 opened by MyGIS - 3
Phonegap App not loading
#915 opened - 17
- 2
Aplication Crashes in Loading Projects
#925 opened by WillFontana - 1
Server Offine
#924 opened by chandansr - 2
comming alert Gap_init:2 (cordova not fire)
#922 opened by sandyrana - 1
Configuration problems when making new project
#912 opened by Moddingdudes - 0
after electron . it just does nothing.
#920 opened by peon501 - 1
Error: Cannot find module 'configstore'
#919 opened by peon501 - 1
### PhoneGap Desktop version
#909 opened by Rajnish928 - 2
Cannot Open Existing Project
#905 opened by KenpoJ - 2
- 1
Icons don't show in PhoneGap desktop
#906 opened by pedroJe - 1
- 1
- 1
Phonegap Build - Tag Manager + Firebase
#902 opened by edvenkat - 1
cannot create a project in phonegap cli
#901 opened by horezone - 2
Not able to build package in build.phonegap. All my old packages are showing error code zero
#900 opened by vishalmaske7787 - 0
Cannot connect mobile app to web app (phonegap)
#907 opened by srdz87 - 6
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 6
iOS app not available in danish app stor
#883 opened by NicolaiFriis - 1
Cannot start phonegap desktop server
#884 opened by NicolaiFriis - 3
Unable to load existing Projects with Desktop App
#879 opened by Awendel - 2
problem v0.4.5 in Windows7
#881 opened by GermaniaWebCom - 1
- 1
Phonegap desktop is stuck at loading screen
#877 opened by schluplauren - 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
My App not working on Android 7.0
#871 opened by mahesh-kudosta - 2
- 3
PhoneGap IOS showing reservation.html 404 not found---------- Framework7.js(line-12720)
#888 opened by viawebonline - 1
Server Offline
#890 opened by apratim-arora - 3
- 1
If it relies on electron internally, what is the point of it all as a project?
#898 opened by jayarjo - 12
- 1
Error: Unhandled "error" event. (+[1m +[31m Error from Cordova Fetch: Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code ENOENT)
#889 opened by pilbug - 4
Error: Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.(█[1m█[31m Error from Cordova Fetch: failed to get absolute path to installed module)
#891 opened by simovigi - 1
- 0
selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml file.
#893 opened by aman11prat - 0
ipa.cpp:456 /cannot find .app/Info.plist
#887 opened by Eddyah - 0
CSS stopped updating
#880 opened by Jomot