Implement capture attribute for input elements
macdonst opened this issue · 6 comments
Make sure we can use the capture attribute to get audio, image or video data.
This could replace:
- cordova-plugin-camera
- cordova-plugin-media-capture
- and the recording section of
Also, want to see how getUserMedia/Stream influences this.
We've created a new plugin at:
That enables users to use getUserMedia on Android. For iOS it is more difficult but we've implemented the JS side of things so users can request a media stream and pass it to the Image Capture API.
This would be really awesome. If you can get capture working on android(using capture to open camera)
yup, but nothing beats <input type="file" capture ........>
when i want to support upload + capture scenario
@awebdeveloper Did you find something that can handle <input type="file" capture ........>
for cordova?
apparently android doesn't support it. search on Cordova's jira you will find someone who has a fork that supports it