
A plugin to provide progressive web app API's


API Support

✅ Supported natively ☑️ Supported with plugin 🚧 Plugin needs development ❓ Untested ❌ Not Supported

Native Behaviours

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Local Notifications ☑️ ☑️ phonegap-plugin-local-notification #16
Push Messages 🚧 🚧 phonegap-plugin-push #3
Foreground Detection
Permissions #17


API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Bluetooth 🚧 cordova-plugin-ble-central #6
Proximity Sensors
Ambient Light

Device Features

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Network Type & Speed cordova-plugin-network-information
Online State
Vibration ☑️ cordova-plugin-vibration
Battery Status ☑️ phonegap-plugin-battery-status #8

Seamless Experience

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Offline Mode (i.e. ServiceWorkers) 🚧 phonegap-plugin-service-worker #7
Home Screen Installation
Background Sync 🚧 cordova-plugin-service-worker-background-sync #18
Inter-app Communication

Camera & Microphone

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Audio & Video Capture ☑️ ☑️ phonegap-plugin-media-stream #9
Advanced Camera Controls ☑️ ☑️ phonegap-plugin-image-capture #15
Recording Media ☑️ ☑️ phonegap-plugin-media-recorder #14
Real-time Communication #21

Screen & Output

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Fullscreen #19
Screen Orientation & Lock ☑️
Wake Lock
Presentation Features


API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Touch Gestures
Speech Recognition ☑️ ☑️ cordova-plugin-speech-recognition
Copy & Paste
Pointing Device

Location & Position

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Geolocation cordova-plugin-geolocation
Device Orientation
Device Motion

Operating System

API Android iOS Chrome Plugin Issue
Offline Storage
File Access
Storage Quotas