
Flashloan Smart Contract for BSC on PancakeswapV3 and V2

Primary LanguageSolidity


If you are following the exact code from the YouTube series, you can get the code with exactly what is shown in that series here:


Step 1

Make sure node, ts-node and yarn are installed globally on your machine and download the githum package in whatever folder you like.

Step 2 - Add .env

touch .env

Edit the .env file


Step 3 - Install Exact Packages and Compile

yarn --exact
npx hardhat compile

Step 4 - Test

npx hardhat test

You should now see a bunch of swaps and a green tick showing success.

Step 5 - Deploy

In order to deploy to mainnet (WARNING: WILL COST GAS):

npx hardhat run scripts/deployFlash.ts --network mainnet

Or if you are deploying the simulation contract (this is useful for calling the previously deployed contract) to see gas used:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploySim.ts --network mainnet