Build and Package Instructions
1. Assuming you have the necessary environment, building this SBSettings Toggle is just a simple 'make' on the command line

2. The output file, 'Toggle.dylib' should be copied to the relative path before packaging
3. To build the debian package, you run 'dpkg -b com.se4c0met.resetsafari' (for details, refer to

4. Note that in my environment, I sudo the above commands as root

The iPhone Development Environment
This is what I build my environment from:
1. Apple's iPhone4 SDK bundled with XCode 3.2.5 (remember to install the OSX 10.4 Universal SDK)
2. iPhone-dev ToolChain ( (i just needed to run to build the include files)
3. iPhone OS 3.0 frameworks extracted from the firmware of a first-generation iPhone running OS 3.0
4. My computer hardware is a MacBook Air running OS X 10.6.5

Note that I took the trouble to build with the iOS 3.0 frameworks for maximum compatibility. You should try to do the same if possible.