High level network definitions with pre-trained weights in TensorFlow (tested with >= 1.2.0
- Applicability. Many people already have their own ML workflows, and want to put a new model on their workflows. TensorNets can be easily plugged together because it is designed as simple functional interfaces without custom classes.
- Manageability. Models are written in
, which is lightweight like PyTorch and Keras, and allows for ease of accessibility to every weight and end-point. Also, it is easy to deploy and expand a collection of pre-processing and pre-trained weights. - Readability. With recent TensorFlow APIs, more factoring and less indenting can be possible. For example, all the inception variants are implemented as about 500 lines of code in TensorNets while 2000+ lines in official TensorFlow models.
Each network (see full list) is not a custom class but a function that takes and returns tf.Tensor
as its input and output. Here is an example of ResNet50
import tensorflow as tf
import tensornets as nets
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 224, 224, 3])
model = nets.ResNet50(inputs)
assert isinstance(model, tf.Tensor)
You can load an example image by using utils.load_img
returning a np.ndarray
as the NHWC format:
from tensornets import utils
img = utils.load_img('cat.png', target_size=256, crop_size=224)
assert img.shape == (1, 224, 224, 3)
Once your network is created, you can run with regular TensorFlow APIs 😊 because all the networks in TensorNets always return tf.Tensor
. Using pre-trained weights and pre-processing are as easy as pretrained()
and preprocess()
to reproduce the original results:
with tf.Session() as sess:
img = nets.preprocess(model, img)
preds = sess.run(model, {inputs: img})
You can see the most probable classes:
print(utils.decode_predictions(preds, top=2)[0])
[(u'n02124075', u'Egyptian_cat', 0.28067636), (u'n02127052', u'lynx', 0.16826575)]
TensorNets enables us to deploy well-known architectures and benchmark those results faster ⚡️. For more information, you can check out the lists of utilities, examples, and architectures.
An example output of utils.print_summary(model)
Scope: resnet50
Total layers: 54
Total weights: 320
Total parameters: 25,636,712
An example output of utils.print_weights(model)
Scope: resnet50
conv1/conv/weights:0 (7, 7, 3, 64)
conv1/conv/biases:0 (64,)
conv1/bn/beta:0 (64,)
conv1/bn/gamma:0 (64,)
conv1/bn/moving_mean:0 (64,)
conv1/bn/moving_variance:0 (64,)
conv2/block1/0/conv/weights:0 (1, 1, 64, 256)
conv2/block1/0/conv/biases:0 (256,)
conv2/block1/0/bn/beta:0 (256,)
conv2/block1/0/bn/gamma:0 (256,)
returns a list of all thetf.Tensor
weights as shown in the above
An example output of utils.print_outputs(model)
Scope: resnet50
conv1/pad:0 (?, 230, 230, 3)
conv1/conv/BiasAdd:0 (?, 112, 112, 64)
conv1/bn/batchnorm/add_1:0 (?, 112, 112, 64)
conv1/relu:0 (?, 112, 112, 64)
pool1/pad:0 (?, 114, 114, 64)
pool1/MaxPool:0 (?, 56, 56, 64)
conv2/block1/0/conv/BiasAdd:0 (?, 56, 56, 256)
conv2/block1/0/bn/batchnorm/add_1:0 (?, 56, 56, 256)
conv2/block1/1/conv/BiasAdd:0 (?, 56, 56, 64)
conv2/block1/1/bn/batchnorm/add_1:0 (?, 56, 56, 64)
conv2/block1/1/relu:0 (?, 56, 56, 64)
returns a list of all thetf.Tensor
end-points as shown in the above
- Comparison of different networks:
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 224, 224, 3])
models = [
img = utils.load_img('cat.png', target_size=256, crop_size=224)
imgs = nets.preprocess(models, img)
with tf.Session() as sess:
for (model, img) in zip(models, imgs):
preds = sess.run(model, {inputs: img})
print(utils.decode_predictions(preds, top=2)[0])
- Transfer learning:
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 224, 224, 3])
outputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 50])
model = nets.DenseNet169(inputs, is_training=True, classes=50)
loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(outputs, model)
train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-5).minimize(loss)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# for (x, y) in your NumPy data (the NHWC and one-hot format):
sess.run(train, {inputs: x, outputs: y})
- Using multi-GPU:
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 224, 224, 3])
models = []
with tf.device('gpu:0'):
with tf.device('gpu:1'):
from tensornets.preprocess import fb_preprocess
img = utils.load_img('cat.png', target_size=256, crop_size=224)
img = fb_preprocess(img)
with tf.Session() as sess:
preds = sess.run(models, {inputs: img})
for pred in preds:
print(utils.decode_predictions(pred, top=2)[0])
- The top-k errors were obtained with TensorNets (single center crop 224x224 except Inception3,4,ResNet2 and ResNet50-152v2 299x299) and may slightly differ from the original ones.
- The computation times were measured on NVIDIA Tesla P100 (3584 cores, 16 GB global memory) with cuDNN 6.0 and CUDA 8.0.
Top-1 error | Top-5 error | Speed (ms) | References | |
ResNet50 | 25.076 | 7.884 | 195.4 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] [caffe] [keras] |
ResNet101 | 23.574 | 7.208 | 311.7 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] [caffe] |
ResNet152 | 23.362 | 6.914 | 439.1 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] [caffe] |
ResNet50v2 | 24.442 | 7.174 | 209.7 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] |
ResNet101v2 | 23.064 | 6.476 | 326.2 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] |
ResNet152v2 | 22.300 | 6.066 | 455.2 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] |
ResNet200v2 | 21.898 | 5.998 | 618.3 | [paper] [tf-slim] [torch-fb] |
ResNeXt50 | 22.518 | 6.418 | 267.4 | [paper] [torch-fb] |
ResNeXt101 | 21.426 | 5.928 | 427.9 | [paper] [torch-fb] |
WideResNet50 | 22.308 | 6.238 | 358.1 | [paper] [torch] |
Inception1 | 32.962 | 12.122 | 165.1 | [paper] [tf-slim] [caffe-zoo] |
Inception2 | 26.420 | 8.450 | 134.3 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
Inception3 | 22.092 | 6.220 | 314.6 | [paper] [tf-slim] [keras] |
Inception4 | 19.854 | 5.032 | 582.1 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
InceptionResNet2 | 19.660 | 4.806 | 656.8 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
DenseNet121 | 25.550 | 8.174 | 202.9 | [paper] [torch] |
DenseNet169 | 24.092 | 7.172 | 219.1 | [paper] [torch] |
DenseNet201 | 22.988 | 6.700 | 272.0 | [paper] [torch] |
MobileNet25 | 48.346 | 24.150 | 29.27 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
MobileNet50 | 35.594 | 14.390 | 42.32 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
MobileNet75 | 31.520 | 11.710 | 57.23 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
MobileNet100 | 29.474 | 10.416 | 70.69 | [paper] [tf-slim] |
SqueezeNet | 44.656 | 21.432 | 71.43 | [paper] [caffe] |