Separated Lifesales time - Average orders - Orders for Customer Group - Mage 1


  1. Clone this module
  2. Go to magento 1 root folder
  3. Copy/Paste module folder
  4. Go to System -> Configuration -> Framco -> Group Report Configuration
  5. Set up your configuration
  6. Clean the cache


  • This extension will separate Lifetimesales , average orders , last 5 orders between customer group in your magento system.

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  • Separate Orders collection between customer group .

  • Support multiple website / store view / customer group in magento adminhtml .

  • Support Magento verison >= 1.8.0

  • Configuration for Lifetime sales and last orders :

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  • Separated Orders Configuration: It's will be added menu "Separated Group" & "Another Group" into Sales -> Order .

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  • "Separated Group" & "Another Group" can be changed in configuration .


  • No rewrite any class .

Report issues

  • For any issue , please help me open an issue.