
Scripts to generate iOS and Android icons and default launch images

Primary LanguageShell

AIR Image Scripts

These scripts are helpful to generate the required icons (including Assets.car) and default launch images.

The script takes 3 parameters:

  • path to the icon image to use as the base, we suggest a 1024x1024 pixel image;
  • path to the launch / default image to use as the base, we suggest a large 2732x2732 pixel image;
  • colour to use to fill background when required for default images.
    • Of the format "#RRGGBB";
  • [optional] output path for the files. You can use this to point to the assets output folder of your application. Defaults to a directory dst.

The script uses imagemagick's convert to resize the images so you need to have this installed.

brew install imagemagick

It also uses Xcode tools to create the Assets.car from your images. You need Xcode and then can install the build tools with:

xcode-select --install


generate.sh icon.png launch.png "#ff0000" 
generate.sh icon.png launch.png "#ff0000" out

The default:



  • icon: icon.png
  • launch: launch.png
  • no background colour
  • outputs to out


Currently this script outputs the following icons and default images:

| |____icon120x120.png
| |____icon48x48.png
| |____icon60x60.png
| |____icon64x64.png
| |____icon58x58.png
| |____icon36x36.png
| |____icon72x72.png
| |____icon20x20.png
| |____icon80x80.png
| |____icon57x57.png
| |____icon180x180.png
| |____icon32x32.png
| |____icon76x76.png
| |____icon1024x1024.png
| |____icon29x29.png
| |____icon152x152.png
| |____icon16x16.png
| |____icon87x87.png
| |____icon512x512.png
| |____icon40x40.png
| |____icon114x114.png
| |____icon144x144.png
| |____icon256x256.png
| |____icon128x128.png
| |____icon167x167.png

Add the following to your application descriptor to pick up these icon image names (edit as required):


Add the following to your iOS info additions for launch storyboard support:
