GitHub ➕ Azure ➕ Terraform
Open Source Repo:
Using GitHub Actions for Azure deployments with Terraform!
Deploys an Azure resource group and app service, utilizing the Terraform Azure Provider and hashicorp/setup-terraform
Getting Started
Generate Azure Service Principal
To deploy to Azure you will need to create a service principal. You can do that with the following command:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name {yourServicePrincipalName} --role contributor \
--scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id} \
# Replace {yourServicePrincipalName}, {subscription-id} with the a service principal name and subscription id.
# The command should output a JSON object similar to the example below
"clientId": "<GUID>",
"clientSecret": "<GUID>",
"subscriptionId": "<GUID>",
"tenantId": "<GUID>",
This service principal does the work but is probably way too powerful for what you need, you might want to consider reducing its privileges, check the docs to know more!
Creating GitHub Secrets
Add the JSON output as the following secrets in the GitHub repository:
For steps to create and storing secrets, please check here
These secrets are assigned in the workflow .yml files for the AzureRM Provider Argument References found here
ARM_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.TF_VAR_agent_client_id }}
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.TF_VAR_agent_client_secret }}
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: ${{ secrets.TF_VAR_subscription_id }}
ARM_TENANT_ID: ${{ secrets.TF_VAR_tenant_id }}
Triggering the workflow
The workflow file is located in ./github/workflows/main.yaml
You can setup workflow triggers on dozens of different GitHub event, manual, and webhook events! See: Events that trigger workflows
Issue Ops
To trigger the workflow via a GitHub Issue template and labels (workflows/deploy_from_issue.yml
- Navigate to the Issues Tab
- Create a New Issue using template Terraform Request - Azure App Service
- Fill out the Title and Body, the below JSON body is used to create Azure Resources:
"requesting_team": "Team-Name",
"app_service_name": "Application-Name",
"location": "eastus",
"sku_tier": "Standard",
"sku_size": "S1"
- When an authorized user applies the label
the workflow will pass the permission check and create the Azure resources. - The workflow will create comments on the issue during Terraform steps.
- Verify in the Azure Portal the resource group, app service plan app service, and policies were created/applied.
- Close the issue to trigger
, which will delete the Azure Resource Group
Workflow Dispatch - Manual trigger
To trigger the manual workflow (workflows/deploy_from_workflow_dispatch.yml
- Navigate to the Actions tab
- On the left hand pane under Workflows, select the workflow name (Terraform Deploy)
- Click the Run workflow drop-down menu, select the branch to run, fill out the appropriate values and click Run workflow
- A new issue will be created with the Terraform details.
Future Enhancements
- Integrate Terraform Cloud to manage State
- Further Issue Ops configurations for policies based on type of project (HIPPA, PCI, etc.)
- Alert Issue requestor of deployed environments/publish profiles/etc.