
Determine if a date is "stale" based on a week pattern

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Is Stale?

Determine if a date is considered stale based on a pattern of week days and times.

Scenario 1

  • A web service provides profiles for companies on the NYSE.
  • Profiles are updated daily at 4am every week day.
  • Each profile request cost you 1 token.
  • You decide to cache the data for these requests to save some tokens.
  • How would you determine if the data you have is stale based on when that data was last updated?
import { Week } from '@phoobynet/is-stale'
const weekPattern = '1-5|0400|0'

const {profile, lastUpdated} = someProfileService.get('AAPL')

const week = Week.parseRelativeToNow(weekPattern)

if (week.isStale(lastUpdated)) {
  // refresh profile

Scenario 2

  • The same webservice provides other data which is updated more frequently
  • You can define multiple times after which data would be considered stale
import { Week } from '@phoobynet/is-stale'
const weekPattern = '1-5|0400,0800,1200|0'

const {marketCap, lastUpdated} = someMarketCapService.get('AAPL')

const week = Week.parseRelativeToNow(weekPattern)

if (week.isStale(lastUpdated)) {
  // refresh marketCap

Scenario 3

  • You want real(ish)-time stock quotes. For example, you don't want to request a quote more than once every 2 seconds
  • You can define a time range within the week pattern where data must be real(ish)-time
  • You can then throttle by providing a value indicating how long the cache remains valid
const weekPattern = '1-5|1430-2100|2'
const { quote, lastUpdated } = someStockQuoteServiceWithUnderlyingCache.get('AAPL')

const week = Week.parseRelativeToNow(weekPattern)

if (week.isStale(lastUpdated)) {
  // refresh quote

Example Patterns

  • 1-5|0400|0 - Monday to Friday, 4am, no throttle
  • 1-3,6-7|0400,1200-1400|0 - Monday to Wednesday, and Saturday to Sunday, with a fixed time of 4am, and a time range of 12pm to 2pm
  • 1-7|1430-2100|3 - Every day, between 2.30pm and 9pm, with a throttle period of 3 seconds


import Week from '@phoobynet/is-stale'
import imaginaryCacheOfStuff from 'imaginary-cache-that-is-somewhere'

interface SomeData {
  cacheTimestamp: Date
  data: unknown

function main () {
  const {cacheTimestamp, data} = imaginaryCacheOfStuff.get('some-key')

  // the following pattern split with '|' represents
  // Monday to Friday (ISO weeks days 1-7 starting on a Monday)
  // From 4.00am to 5.00am, 2.30pm to 7.45pm and 9.00pm
  // Throttle for 3 seconds
  const weekPattern = '1-5|0400-0500,1430-1945,2100|3'
  // If now falls on a Monday to Friday between the times specified,
  // the data is stale, think getting a quote from the stock market when the market is open.
  // However, using a throttle period of, in this case, 3 seconds, if the last cache timestamp is within that period, then the data is NOT stale
  // If now falls after any ranges, e.g. the following Saturday, and the last cache was before 9.00pm on Friday, the data is NOT stale
  const week = Week.parseRelativeToNow(weekPattern)
  if (week.isStale(cacheTimestamp)) {
    // refresh cache