
Travian Kingdom server script free. Not finish yet. Abandoned.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Main development : Click Here

Travian Kingdom Clone Script

Abandoned. No more support. This project is clone Travian Kingdom game. Now, not finish yet.

Base on Travian Kingdom version : 0.66.8



  • Index
    • Start without account
  • Lobby
    • Achievements
      • Achievements list
      • Prestige
      • Cliam prestige
    • Avatar
      • Set sitters
      • Set duals
    • Game worlds
      • Join game worlds
      • List playing game worlds
      • List playing game worlds that sitters
      • Remove avatar
    • News
      • Show news
    • Account
      • Login
      • Register
      • Change picture avatar
      • Change email
      • Change password
      • Change account name
      • Subscribe to newsletter
      • Logout
  • Gameplay
    • System
      • Maintenance mode
      • Disable attack
      • Crop diet rule
      • Spawn natarian village
      • Spawn WW village on vocalno
      • Spawn robber hideout
      • Spawn robber camp (for kingdom)
    • Building list
      • Construct building
      • Upgrade building
      • Master building
      • Resort building list
      • Cancel building
      • Buy more slot
      • Reserve resource
      • Finish now
    • Troops & Movements
      • Train troop
      • Finish train troop immediately
    • Movements
      • Send attack (no attack)
      • Send raid (no attack)
      • Send siege (no attack)
      • Settle new village
      • Send hero to own village
      • Send hero to other village
      • Conqure village
      • Steal resources
      • Steal treasures
    • Hero
      • Adventure (generate item with no effect)
      • Attack
      • Reinforcement
      • Inventory
      • Attributes
      • Increase resources production in village
      • Change hero face
      • Hero equipment
    • Silver & Gold
      • Exchange sliver & gold
      • Travian Plus
      • Resource bonus
      • Crop bonus
      • Starter pack
      • Invite friends
      • Purchase gold
      • Auto extend
      • Lifetime bonus
    • Report
      • Attack report (not correct infomation)
      • Raid report
      • Siege report
      • Spy report
      • Defense report
      • Reinforces report
      • Advanture report
      • Trade report
      • Reinforces arrived report
      • Animal caught repor
      • Visit report
      • Weeky prestige
      • Share report
      • Favorites report
    • Statistics
      • Player
        • Overview
        • Attacker
        • Defender
        • Villages
        • Heroes
        • Top 10
        • Search
      • Kingdom
        • Victory points
        • Population
        • Area
        • Attacker
        • Defender
        • Top 10
        • Search
      • World
    • Quest
      • Tutorial gameplay
      • Tutorial governer
      • Tutorial king
      • Daliy quest
      • Quest
    • Setting
      • Change setting
      • Delete avatar
    • Prestige
      • Prestige
      • Give prestige
    • Player profile
      • Modal
      • Change description
    • Auction
      • Sell
      • Bids
      • Silver accounting (History)
      • Remove expire item
    • Kingdom
      • Create kingdom
      • Change description
      • Change tag
      • Show member
      • Invite player
      • Accept kingdom invite (player)
      • Invite duke
      • Accept kingdom invite (duke)
      • Treasure active
      • Internation statistics
      • Show Kingdom events
      • Show Ranking
      • Show Treasuries
      • Show Tributes
      • Collect tributes
      • Show Diplomacy
      • Create offer
      • Accept offer
    • Notification
      • Show notification
      • Remove notification
      • Remove all notification
    • Map
      • Show map cell
      • Show map cell detail
      • Show village infomation
      • Show oasis
      • Show oasis troops
      • Show report
      • Robber
      • NPC Village
      • Natar village
      • WW village
      • Vocano
      • Kingdom borders
      • Game messages
      • Player messages
      • Kingdom markers
      • Player markers
      • Fields markers
    • Oasis
      • Assign oasis
      • Oasis bonus
      • Give up oasis
      • Bonus from troops in oasis
      • Auto add animals to oasis
    • Village & Building
      • Upgrade to town
      • Celebration
      • Claim resource from hidden treasures
      • Extra building fields
      • Research troops
      • Finish now research
      • Improve troops
      • Finish now improve
      • Demolish building
      • Clear rubbles
    • Market
      • Send resources
      • Create trade route
      • Auto send resources
      • Create offer
      • List offers
      • Filter offer
      • Accept offer
      • Cancel offer
      • NPC merchant
    • Notepads
      • Show/hide notepad
      • Create a new note
      • Edit note
      • Delete note
    • Message & Chat
      • Open chat on bar
      • Show chat on bar
      • Join global room
      • Join kingdom room
      • Join society room
      • Create new conversation (Private)
      • Create new conversation (Kingdom)
      • Create new conversation (Society)
      • Send message (Private)
      • Send message (Kingdom)
      • Send message (Society)
      • Send message (Global room)
      • Send message (Kingdom room)
      • Send message (Society room)
      • Mark as read
      • Show notification


Travian Kingdom Clone Script Travian Kingdom Clone Script Travian Kingdom Clone Script Travian Kingdom Clone Script Travian Kingdom Clone Script Travian Kingdom Clone Script Travian Kingdom Clone Script


  • PHP 5.6+ (with PDO mysql)
  • Node.JS Test with PHP 5.6,7.1 with Apache & nginx

*** IMPORTANT *** This script can't use in web hosting because automatice function run as service


  1. Perpair web server program (very simple use xampp) - Prepair subdomain and point to your server - Config apache vhost for game

Example vhost config for apache (OSX with xampp)

<VirtualHost *:80>
    # Index
    ServerAdmin t5.ph
    ServerName t5.ph
    DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/travian5"
    ErrorLog "logs/t5.ph-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/t5.ph-access_log" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
    # Index
    ServerAdmin kingdoms.t5.ph
    ServerName kingdoms.t5.ph
    DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/travian5/index"
    ErrorLog "logs/kingdoms.t5.ph-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/kingdoms.t5.ph-access_log" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
    # Mellon service (Account service)
    ServerAdmin mellon.t5.ph
    ServerName mellon.t5.ph
    DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/travian5/mellon"
    ErrorLog "logs/mellon.t5.ph-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/mellon.t5.ph-access_log" common
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

    AllowEncodedSlashes on
<VirtualHost *:80>
    # CDN
    ServerAdmin cdn.t5.ph
    ServerName cdn.t5.ph
    DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/travian5/cdn"
    ErrorLog "logs/cdn.t5th.ph-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/cdn.t5th.ph-access_log" common
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
<VirtualHost *:80>
    # Lobby
    ServerAdmin lobby.t5.ph
    ServerName lobby.t5.ph
    DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/travian5/lobby"
    ErrorLog "logs/lobby.t5.ph-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/lobby.t5.ph-access_log" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
    # Game
    ServerAdmin ks1.t5.ph
    ServerName ks1.t5.ph
    DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/travian5/game/s1"
    ErrorLog "logs/ks1.t5.ph-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/ks1.t5.ph-access_log" common

Example hosts file

# Travian Kingdom       t5.ph       kingdoms.t5.ph       mellon.t5.ph       lobby.t5.ph       cdn.t5.ph       ks1.t5.ph
  1. Import database from travian5.sql
    If you want empty data, you should empty every table except global_server_data
    If you want to change speed world, you can edit in global_server_data table too
  2. Config mysql password in /config.php
  3. Start automatice process with command php server2/server.php and node server/app2 and node server_lobby/app (don't forget to install nodejs module with npm install before run)
  4. Let's enjoy your server

To generate world
go to sub domain that game avaliable. go to api folder and go to debug.php?a=createWorld
for example ks1.t5.ph/api/debug.php?a=createWorld

Please note that this script doesn't finish yet. If you found bug please use Issues to report and use Pulls Requests to request feature that offical have or fix bug or add new feature to main project.


Use watch button if you want to know about activities.
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