Pivotal Cloud Foundry Operators Fundamentals Workshop

During this workshop, you’ll learn exactly how to deploy and operate cloud-native applications with Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Whether your apps are staying on-premises or moving to a public cloud, these principles will help you build more scalable, resilient and adaptable systems that drive your competitive advantage.

You’ll leave this workshop with a better understanding of what you need for Day 1 deployment, Day 2 operations and beyond. If you’d like to read up on Cloud Foundry feel free. But don’t worry, we’ll do an engaging deep dive together.

Events of Interest

  • Spring Developer Workshop sponsered by Pivotal and Perficient to be held at Overland Park Marriott on June 19th. Agenda TBD
  • Stay informed for the 2018 SpringOne Platform by Pivotal , use discount code: S1P200_phopper for a $200 discount, to be held in Sept. 24-27 in Washington, D.C.


Time Session
8:30 AM Introductions, PCF Overview & Demo
9:30 AM Services Overview
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM Platform Installation and Setup
11:15 AM Role Based Access Control
11:45 AM Platform and Application Scaling, working lunch
12:45 PM Break
1:00 PM A Pragmatic way to monitor a platform - Health, Events and Logging
1:50 PM How to automagically upgrade the platform - Platform & Application Patching
2:30 PM Security Overview
2:45 PM Break
3:00 PM Authentication & Authorization
4:00 PM Wrapup, Q&A

Getting Started


Start by downloading and installing the appropriate prerequisite tools.

Download materials

Next, download the course materials. This can be accomplished either through the GitHub website by downloading a repository zip and unzipping locally, or if you have Git installed, use the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/phopper-pivotal/pcf-operator-fundamentals.git
$ cd pcf-operator-fundamentals/

The Team


A special thanks to Brian Tuell for allowing us to present today.