
This repository contains shard code for Phore Synapse

Primary LanguageRust


This repository will hold code for all of the shard types Phore develops.


Go into one of the shard directories and run:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

The result will be in: target/debug/*_shard.wasm.

Building for Release

For release, we optimize the wasm file for size by running:

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

The result will be in: target/release/*_shard.wasm.

To strip the resulting wasm files of the wasm file, install the wabt package run:

wasm-strip target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/*_shard.wasm

Importing Phore functions

To import functions from the Phore package, add this to the top of any shard code:

use std::ffi;

#[link(wasm_import_module = "phore")]
extern {
    pub fn load(addr: &[u8; 32]) -> [u8; 32];
    pub fn store(addr: &[u8; 32], val: &[u8; 32]);
    pub fn validateECDSA(hashAddr: &[u8; 32], signatureAddr: &[u8; 65], out: &mut[u8; 33]) -> i64;
    pub fn hash(data: *const u8, length: usize) -> [u8; 32];
    pub fn loadArgument(arg_num: i32, out: *mut ffi::c_void);
    pub fn write_log(msg: *const u8, length: usize);