
⚙ Gearman client and worker for node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gearman Client and Worker

Greenkeeper badge

Build Status


  • full implementation of worker and client
  • lean abstraction over raw gearman protocol
  • lots of unit tests
  • fast
  • small
  • fully interoperable with gearman clients and workers written in other languages


  • lacks elegant high level abstractions for doing work. A bit more boilerplate to write
  • only supports 1 server connection per client/worker




create a client, create 1 job, and handle it's completion

const gearman = require('gearman')

let client = gearman("localhost", 4730 , {timeout: 3000})  // timeout in milliseconds. 

// handle timeout 
client.on('timeout', function() {
	console.log('Timeout occurred')

// handle finished jobs
client.on('WORK_COMPLETE', function(job) {
	console.log('job completed, result:', job.payload.toString())

// connect to the gearman server
client.connect(function() {
	// submit a job to uppercase a string with normal priority in the foreground
	client.submitJob('upper', 'Hello, World!')

create a worker, register a function, and handle jobs

const gearman = require('gearman')

let worker = gearman('', 4730)

// handle jobs assigned by the server
worker.on('JOB_ASSIGN', function(job) {
	console.log(job.func_name + ' job assigned to this worker')
	let result = job.payload.toString().toUpperCase()
	// notify the server the job is done
	worker.sendWorkComplete(job.handle, result)

	// go back to sleep, telling the server we're ready for more work

// grab a job when the server signals one is available
worker.on('NOOP', function() {  worker.grabJob() })

// connect to the gearman server	
	// register the functions this worker is capable of

	// tell the server the worker is going to sleep, waiting for work