- 2phaBrisbane Australia
- AndoniZubimendiArgentina
- AndreyPootMayCI - Control
- aurelkociAlbania
- bautrukevich
- bernie-developerSantiago, Chile
- danielstgt
- darvanenDepartment of Customer Service, NSW Government
- dfernandes-wanadevLyon
- ENM1989
- FurgasPoznan University of Technology
- ging-dev@gingteam
- gitressa
- guanguansHangzhou, China
- jnewerEarth
- juancristobalgd1Spain
- kamalzairigMorocco
- lesha724Ukraine
- marcogermani87Panservice
- martynenko-dmitry
- MrPunyapal@ShubhkeyInfotech
- niladameMag
- ostroluckyMunich, Germany
- ptondereau@shinetools
- rinodrummer@bunkerclan-it
- roberto1529Barranquilla
- rustamwin@yiisoft @yiistack
- samdarkTwindo, Yii, Codeception, PHP-FIG
- schmunk42diemeisterei GmbH
- tecnoterabyteChile
- terabytesoftwYii, Codeception, Wordpress.
- theodorosploumis
- tomaszkanePoland
- tricarte
- wilbur-yuChina-Beijing
- Yoskaldyr