- 1
PHP8.1 deprecation
#39 opened by aszenz - 3
PHP 7.4 Support?
#36 opened by nrobates - 0
- 14
PHPUnit as a dependency
#31 opened by uuf6429 - 5
Does not work with Laravel 5.5?
#24 opened by cerw - 2
- 2
PHPUnit 7 support
#27 opened by mattias-persson - 2
PHPUnit 6 support?
#20 opened by GaryJones - 3
It doesn't work with data providers
#18 opened by x-yuri - 1
Implement Travis
#14 opened by renatomefi - 1
Support \VCR\VCR::configure()->setStorage
#9 opened by GaryJones - 1
Create new version
#8 opened by RobinHoutevelts - 5
Add option to specify cassette path
#1 opened by tylercollier