
Short information about the project

Here we have a small part of a big project with banking, signup and login functionality.

Short information about frontend

We have 3 pages: Login, Sign up and Bank Information Frontend was created with Vue.js, you can find more datailed information about libraries in package.json, and the instructions how to start the project can be found in README inside ./test-front

Login page

Here you can login with an already created user, or you can use test credentials, if you have already seeded the database, using the following login details: email: sneakyraven0@gmail.com password: aaaaaA1@

Sign up page

Here you can create a new user

Bank Information page

Here you can CRUD Bank Information

Short information about backend

We have 3 group routers: bankInformation, file and user (more deatailed information can be found in ./test-backend/src/app/features)

Backend was created with node, express and sequelizejs, the instructrions how to start the project can be found in README inside ./test-backend