- 2
Overflow of table
#60 opened by journey1010 - 7
- 1
Some 'EN-Revision' comments are bad
#137 opened by Marqitos - 0
- 0
'language-snippets.ent' partially translated
#139 opened by Marqitos - 2
Instance method 'Vtiful\\Kernel\\Format::align' should not be called statically
#78 opened by bishop66666 - 3
- 1
mb_convert_case. Missing constants in mode parameter description in Spanish translation
#76 opened by daverb00 - 3
Problem with Revision Comments
#131 opened by Marqitos - 8
¿Quién actualmente está al frente del proyecto de traducción español?. - Who is currently in charge of the Spanish translation project?
#22 opened by jesusruiz - 0
Incorrect link to the Mailing List
#123 opened by Marqitos - 3
Build fix todo list
#68 opened by Girgias - 2
Error en eror
#95 opened by Luis45ccs - 1
Incorrect indentation in language/oop5/final.xml
#109 opened by Marqitos - 2
Error change language Spanish
#83 opened by JavierMarron - 1
Página en Inglés
#70 opened by JBellon0301 - 1
- 1
No translate to spanish from app
#52 opened by emibytes - 0 has a typo in Spanish
#62 opened by Girgias - 0
- 1
do-while y while tiene un comportamiento inusual cuando se suma 0.1 a la variable de control.
#47 opened by Luis-devs - 0
preg_split: Spanish bad traslation
#46 opened by damasosc - 0
- 0
- 1
first argument name error
#28 opened by SteveSilva1 - 1
strtolower: Error in example
#24 opened by SantiZuche - 0
error palabra travbés
#25 opened by jmaria62 - 3
- 4
SessionHandlerInterface - Different synopsis & examples not matching the synopsis
#20 opened by jeijei4