Pinned issues
- 6
Wrong var name in ftp example basic page
#992 opened by realtek2 - 1
parameter offset
#985 opened by AleksDer77 - 4
Вступительная страница инструмента перевода отправляет к мертвому списку рассылки
#984 opened by mmalferov - 2
The link does not exist (service Maxmind)
#980 opened by velmesov - 0
dom based xss
#981 opened - 1
A typo in the word
#979 opened by velmesov - 1
A typo in the word
#976 opened by velmesov - 1
Исправьте опечатку
#975 opened by mkolotovich - 1
Incorrect translation Rus
#966 opened by denisparamon - 1
doubling the word “которые” in the definition
#965 opened by IvanIvanchenko - 1
[Ошибка перевода] array_intersect_assoc()
#917 opened by AndryG - 0
[Ошибка перевода]
#492 opened by JustMisha - 1
- 1
Пропущена буква «а» в слове вывод(а)
#495 opened by mmalferov - 0
Missing comma
#494 opened by mmalferov - 0
Missing word in the Russian text
#493 opened by mmalferov - 1
In the last usage example, in Russian, the line length is incorrect (19 instead of 10 characters)
#485 opened by pivasikkost - 0
- 1
опечатка в предупреждении
#477 opened by de-tlix - 1
Ошибка в примере
#475 opened by posilya - 2
Small text bug
#466 opened by MatusevichVadim - 1
Wrong form of word
#471 opened by NikitaMarakushev - 1
A mistake?
#468 opened by AntonKanevets - 1
- 1
Маленькая неточность перевода
#454 opened by Hnakra - 0
Typo at /ldap.examples-controls.php
#451 opened by Un1matr1x - 1
CSS table bug
#443 opened by Regnaper - 1
Errors in Russian page
#433 opened by vashwind - 2
wrong page locale
#421 opened by GennadyBerezinsky - 2
Правка последнего примера
#419 opened by maximniko - 1
Typo in example
#418 opened by yest13 - 2
Eerror [pecl install radius]
#412 opened by gato-gto - 1
Broken link "» Concurrent Cycle Collection in Reference Counted Systems"
#415 opened by EvgenyLapshin - 1
Bug in text "DateImmutable"
#410 opened by konovalovdv - 2
Устарели CHM файлы
#407 opened by WinterSilence - 1
- 1
- 0
Замена перевода "таймаут"
#378 opened by saundefined - 1
Опечатка на странице fetchColumn в примере
#375 opened by MioVisman - 0
Добавить инструкцию как работать с PhD
#373 opened by saundefined - 1
Error in russian translation
#369 opened by aperturer - 1
Ошибка в абзаце про приведение типов
#367 opened by vdme - 1
Неверный перевод вводящий в заблуждение
#366 opened by serg-co - 0
typo: array
#350 opened by aleksandr-shevchenko - 4
typo: ошибка в примере
#349 opened by aleksandr-shevchenko - 1
- 1
typo: пропущено слово "другого"
#348 opened by aleksandr-shevchenko - 1
typo: лишний перенос
#347 opened by aleksandr-shevchenko - 0
Миграция с PHP 8.0.x на PHP 8.1.x
#328 opened by saundefined - 1
Layout breaking
#294 opened by geekVlad