The PHP-GTK3 website =================== Pull Requests ============= PHP-GTK3 website accepts pull requests via github. Discussions are done on github, but depending on the topic can also be relayed to the official PHP-GTK3 website developer mailinglist Development Branch ================== Branch development of PHP-GTK3 website is dev-php-website. Be careful when doing push. You should make sure to checkout the correct branch dev-php-website. We will only do merge with the master branch when PHP-GTK3 website is stable and functional. Local development ================= This is the git repo for the official website. To setup a local mirror of the website: $ git clone or $ git clone cd gtk php -S localhost:8080 Editor files We will use the bluefish editor. 1) Because it is licensed under the GNU_GPL. There will be no cost with the purchase of paid editors. 2) We will avoid possible dirt in the generated code for various file editors. 3) Supports multiple encoding which will facilitate the creation of files in different languages. url to download: Frameworks: W3.CSS is a small, fast, and modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness. This repo includes most (generated) files that are required for normal operation of this website, such as News & events data Several manual pages (and a translation), see manual/{en,ja}/ User contributed notes for manual pages A "router" for the builtin PHP webserver