
Conan package for Qt-Color-Widgets

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

Conan package recipe for QtColorWidgets, an improved QColorDialog and several other color-related widgets.

This repository tracks the recipe for generating the conan package. You should not have to run these steps yourself but instead simply fetch the package from the the conan remote server as described below.

Using the package

See the DMSC conan-configuration repository for how to configure your remote.

⚠️ This recipe now uses version 2 of conan which is not backward compatible with version 1.

In conanfile.txt:


In CMake:

  PRIVATE QtColorWidgets

Updating the recipe

If you are a contributor and wish to update this recipe to use the latest version of the target library:

  • make a branch
  • change channel in Jenkinsfile from "stable" to "testing"
  • in conanfile.py change version= to the hash (first 7 hex letters) of the commit that you want to package
  • push and massage until the job succeeds on Jenkins
  • ideally, test new version of package with actual projects that use it
  • update the conan package name in code example, under the "Using the package" section above
  • change channel back to "stable" in Jenkinsfile
  • make a merge request