
Phone for FiveM

Primary LanguageVue

This is edited version of GCPHONE made by Gannon

Phone for FiveM

Image of gcphone1 Image of gcphone2 Image of gcphone3 Image of gcphone4 Image of gcphone5


  • List of contacts
  • Sending SMS
  • Voice calls
  • Anonymous calls
  • Bank app
  • Anynonymous T-Chat app
  • Bourse app
  • Customizable background
  • . . .


Edit file /html/static/config/config.json

  "//": "Nom du reseau situé dans la barre du téléphone",
  "reseau": "Gannon",
  "//": "Couleur de base du téléphone",
  "themeColor": "#303f9f",

  "//": "Liste des couleurs pour les conctacts",
  "colors": [

  "//": "Si false, Ajoute un '-' dans le numero (###-####)",
  "useFormatNumberFrance": false,

  "//": "useWebRTCVocal: false => Appels avec channels de GTA",
  "//": "useWebRTCVocal: true  => Appels avec WebRTC",
  "useWebRTCVocal": true,

  "//": "Configuration des serveurs TURN à utilisé",
  "RTCConfig": {
    "iceServers": [{
      "urls": ["turn:webrtc.needrp.net"],
      "username": "gcphone",
      "credential": "gcphone"

  "//": "Liste des fonds d'ecran disponibles, location => /html/static/img/background",
  "background" : {
    "Calvin & Hobbes": "back001.jpg",
    "Destiny": "back002.jpg",
    "Stormtrooper": "back003.jpg",
    "Custom URL": "URL"
  "//": "Fond d'ecran par default",
  "background_default": {
    "label": "Calvin & Hobbes",
    "value": "back001.jpg"

  "//": "Liste des coque disponible, location => /html/static/img/coque",
  "coque": {
    "Sansumg S8": "s8.png",
    "Iphone X": "iphonex.png",
    "Brick Base": "base.png",
    "Transparent": "transparent.png"
  "//": "Coque par default",
  "coque_default": {
    "label": "Sansumg S8",
    "value": "s8.png"

  "//": "Configuration des appels service (Favorie)",
  "serviceCall": [

      "//": "Nom de l'item",
      "display": "Police",

      "//": "Optionnel: Couleur de puce",
      "backgroundColor": "red",

      "//": "Optionnel: Image de la puce",
      "icon": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",

      "//": "Liste des actions disponible",
      "subMenu": [
          "//": "Titre de l'action",
          "title": "Envoyer un message",

          "//": "Nom de l'event trigger à l'utilisation",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",

          "//": "Optionnel: Parametre 'data' envoyé avec l'event",
          "type": {
            "number": "police"
          "title": "Appeler le standard",
          "eventName": "gcphone:autoCallNumber",
          "type": {
            "number": "911"
      "display": "Ambulance",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "ambulance"
  "//": "Ajouter des contact par defaut",
  "defaultContacts": [
    { "number": "ambulance" , "display": "AABBUULLAANNCCEE", "icon": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png" },
    { "number": "police" , "display": "Police", "backgroundColor": "blue", "letter": "J" }

  "//": "Configuration des applications",
  "apps": [
      "//": "Nom de l'application",
      "name": "Téléphone",

      "//": "Icons de l'application",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/call.png",

      "//": "Route de l'application, NE PAS MODIFIER",
      "routeName": "appels",

      "//": "Si true, l'application serra disponible sur la home page",
      "inHomePage": true,

      "//": "Si false, l'application n'est pas visible",
      "enabled": true
      "name": "Messages",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/sms.png",
      "routeName": "messages",
      "inHomePage": true,

      "//": "Référence au store, pour affiche un puce sous l'icone de l'app",
      "puceRef": "nbMessagesUnread",
      "name": "Contacts",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/contacts.png",
      "routeName": "contacts",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Paramètres",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/settings.png",
      "routeName": "parametre",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Bank",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",
      "routeName": "bank",
      "inHomePage": false
      "name": "Bourse",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bourse.png",
      "routeName": "bourse",
      "enabled": true
      "name": "Photo",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/photo.png",
      "routeName": "photo"
      "name": "Dark Chat",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/tchat.png",
      "routeName": "tchat"
  "//": "Configuration des langues du telephone",
  "language": {
    "fr_FR": {
      "NAME": "Français",
      "KEY": "VALUE"
    "en_US": {
      "NAME": "English",
      "//": "..."
    "//": "Autre Langue"

Dont forget to add new files into fxmanifest.lua

  • You can change sounds in \html\static\sound
  • The shells must be in 1000x500 px format, the screen area is centered in size 800 * 400
  • Bank & Stock Market applications must be configured according to your scripts

Fixed stations can be configured in gcphone/config.lua

  Faites attention à ne pas utiliser un numéro qui entre en conflit avec un joueur
FixePhone = {
  -- Poste de police
  ['911'] = { name =  "Central Police", coords = { x = 441.2, y = -979.7, z = 30.58 } },
  -- Cabine proche du poste de police
  ['008-0001'] = { name = "Cabine Telephonique", coords = { x = 372.25, y = -965.75, z = 28.58 } },

About esx_addons_gcphone

Used to make the connection between the telephone and the esx.

Please put esx_addons_gcphone & gcphone before jobs. Example:

  # ...

  start mysql-async
  start essentialmode
  start esplugin_mysql
  start es_extended

  start esx_addons_gcphone
  start gcphone

  start esx_mecanojob
  start esx_job2
  start esx_job3
  # ...


GNU v3

Jonathan (Gannon) D Edited by rex2630