
generates an overview diagramm of your last 5 month income/expenses with the help of comdirect-rest api.

Primary LanguagePython

comdirect financial report

this script generates an overview diagramm of your last 5 month income/expenses with the help of comdirect-rest api. you will be notified via telegram. very handy is a ssh shortcut on your phone in order to trigger the script on the fly. right now only pushtan is implemented. feel free to adapt the script to your needs.

comdirect financial report


python3 comdirect_financialreport.py 


as a default the script depends on a config.json on its root directory in order to work properly. additionally a custom config can be specified as a param like so: python3 comdirect_financialreport.py custom_config.json. in order to use the comdirect api you need to register here.

here's an example of the config.

    "username": "comdirect_user_name",
    "password": "comdirect_user_pin",
    "client_id": "user_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "client_secret": "comidrect_client_secret",
    "telegram": {
        "bot_token": "telegram_bot_token",
        "bot_chat_id": "telegram_chat_id"


pip3 install python-dateutil
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install argparse

furthermore curl is required on command line.


thanks keisentraut for oauth implementation.