this is my compilation of useful snippets

log filter

# show all usernames that had invalid login attempts. make a count on it
cat auth.log | grep "invalid" | cut -d " " -f 11 | sort | uniq | wc -l
# exclude everythin with 'Restore' 
cat auth.log | grep "invalid" | grep -v "Restore"

scp down/upload

this snippet was taken from

# download: remote -> local
scp user@remote_host:remote_file local_file 
# upload: local -> remote
scp local_file user@remote_host:remote_file

code (test)coverage report in python

assuming that bo_socialhub_notifyer is your module and test_bo_socialhub_notifyer are your unittests.

pytest -v --cov=bo_socialhub_notifyer --cov-report=html;open htmlcov/index.html