
[laravel-admin]一个网站使用不同的前缀复用多套admin(One website uses different prefixes to reuse multiple sets of admins)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

laravel-admin la-a-duo


Run :

$ composer require ichynul/la-a-duo

Then run:

$ php artisan admin:import la-a-duo


Add a config in config/admin.php:

    'extensions' => [
        'la-a-duo' => [
           // Set to `false` if you want to disable this extension
            'enable' => true,
            // ['admin1' ,'admin2' , ...]
            'prefixes' => ['admin1'],
            // Set to `false` allow login to different prefixes in same brower
            'apart' => true,
            // Set to `true` allow extend routes from base admin , Such as http://localhost/admin1/goods => Admin\Controllers\GoodsController@index 
            'extend_routes' => false,
            // Base admin_tables migration file path, if new prefix use different database setting , copy this file for it
            'base_migration' => database_path('migrations/2016_01_04_173148_create_admin_tables.php')


Open http://your-host/admin/la-a-duo

After this it will create files in /app/admin1 and create config file /config/admin1.php

Then open http://your-host/admin1


$ php artisan laaduo:{action} {prefix?}

If no prefix, for all

$ php artisan laaduo:install admin1

Create /app/Admin1 dir and create routes.php and controllers

$ php artisan laaduo:route admin1

Create /app/Admin1/extroutes.php

$ php artisan laaduo:build admin1

Create /database/migrations/admin1/2016_01_04_173148_create_admin_tables_admin1.php and migrate.

$ php artisan laaduo:seed admin1

Seed AdminTablesSeeder seed admin tables(users,rols,menus...), if table is not empty, will pass it

Licensed under The MIT License (MIT).