phpipam-agent is a scanning agent for a phpipam server to be deployed to remote servers
phpipam is released under the GPL v3 license. See misc/gpl-3.0.txt.
- 64bit PHP version 5.4+ with following modules
- pdo, pdo_mysql : Adds support for mysql connections (if type=mysql)
- gmp : Adds support for dev-libs/gmp (GNU MP library) -> to calculate IPv6 networks
- json : Adds supports for JSON data-interexchange format
- pcntl : Adds supports for threading via CLI ( not supported by windows )
- PHP PEAR support (dev-php/pear)
git clone --recursive phpipam-agent
Just run index.php script with discover or update as argument.
- Make sure this client has read/write access to main phpipam database.
GRANT SELECT on `phpipam`.* TO 'username'@'hostname' identified by "password"; GRANT INSERT,UPDATE on `phpipam`.`ipaddresses` TO 'username'@'hostname' identified by "password"; GRANT UPDATE on phpipam.scanAgents TO 'username'@'hostname' identified by "password";
- If you will remove inactive dhcp/autodiscovered also this is needed
GRANT DELETE on `phpipam`.`ipaddresses` TO 'username'@'hostname' identified by "password";
cd phpipam-agent
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
For scheduled scans you have to run a script from cron. Add something like the following to your cron to scan every 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * php /where/your/agent/index.php update
*/15 * * * * php /where/your/agent/index.php discover