
ZeroSprites is a CSS sprites generator aimed at area minimization using VLSI floorplaning algorithms. (Uncompiled Source Cody Only Version)

Primary LanguageShell

ZeroSprites is a CSS sprites generator aimed at area minimization using VLSI floorplaning algorithms.
Online version: http://cly.jsser.com/sprites/

sprites.sh (directory | png files)
Output consists of sprites.txt and sprites.png

Use pngnq to generate png8 output if necessary.
You can use png optimizer(optipng, pngout) to make output smaller.

H. H. Chan and I. L. Markov, ``Practical Slicing and Non-slicing Block-Packing without Simulated Annealing", Technical Report CSE-TR-487-04, The University of Michigan, 2004.
T.-C. Chen and Y.-W. Chang, ``Modern Floorplanning Based on B*-trees and Fast Simulated Annealing", IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 637--650, April 2006.