- 4
PHP 8.4 support
#624 opened by andypost - 23
Mocking PHP 8.2 readonly classes generates readonly double with untyped property and fails
#586 opened by vuryss - 12
Intersection types in generated code
#535 opened by ciaranmcnulty - 5
Suggestion: improve test workflows
#629 opened by jrfnl - 5
Support for mocking methods with "static" return type
#620 opened by aik099 - 0
Difference between latest release and master
#622 opened by matejdr - 6
- 1
- 6
PHP 8.2 issue in DisableConstructorPatch
#555 opened by lolli42 - 0
- 8
- 7
- 2
phpspec/prophecy v1.17.0 requires sebastian/comparator ^3.0 || ^4.0 -> found sebastian/comparator[3.0.0, ..., 3.0.5, 4.0.0, ..., 4.0.8] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^5.0).
#606 opened by n-for-all - 12
PHP 8.3 support
#607 opened by vishalkhode1 - 5
mocking protected methods
#611 opened by bshaffer - 3
SplFileObject generated code is syntax error on PHP8.2
#610 opened by reioto - 3
- 0
support sebastian/recursion-context v5
#590 opened by brettmc - 0
- 0
When a mocked method throws a `Throwable` the call to the method is not recorded
#595 opened by BladeMF - 7
Using argument callback in combination with willReturn does not work
#593 opened by ChristianVermeulen - 1
- 1
PHP 8.2.1 support
#587 opened by joostvdl - 15
RFC: New unexpected method call behaviour
#528 opened by ciaranmcnulty - 16
Please allow PHP 8.2 in composer.json
#556 opened by lolli42 - 6
Feature Request: PHPDoc generics typehints
#544 opened by tyteen4a03 - 1
How to enforce `shouldBeCalledX` definition?
#563 opened by tyteen4a03 - 7
Support for readonly classes
#559 opened by stof - 2
Support `true` return type
#557 opened by stof - 1
PHP8 named arguments are not supported
#547 opened by jorgsowa - 2
- 4
Support for Disjunctive Normal Form Types
#558 opened by stof - 2
- 4
Is support for hhvm dropped?
#561 opened by TysonAndre - 2
Idea: Using spl_object_id instead of spl_object_hash for stringified errors? (stdClass#1234 instead of stdClass:0000000046ef9d1d000000002ac5521e)
#549 opened by TysonAndre - 2
Allow PHP 8.2
#550 opened by ricardoboss - 5
- 14
PHP 8 | 'static' is an invalid class name
#527 opened by AlexandruGG - 3
Doubling Enums
#536 opened by ciaranmcnulty - 0
Handle the `never` return type
#537 opened by ciaranmcnulty - 2
PHP 8.1 support / composer
#531 opened by alecpl - 1
static closure callback fails with CallbackPromise
#506 opened by mathroc - 3
static unknown class
#532 opened by that-guy-iain - 0
Support 'false' return type
#505 opened by ciaranmcnulty - 1
Mocking Class / Interface with @method __unserialize ( array $data ) doc block throws fatal error in PHP8
#520 opened by BolZer - 6
Propehisizing a method with false in the return type leads to a fatal error in PHP8.0.2
#524 opened by pardeep26k - 3
Call to undefined method Prophecy\Argument::in()
#522 opened by tyteen4a03 - 1
[DX] Mocks should fail immediately
#508 opened by Jean85 - 1
Support `iterable` return type
#501 opened by ciaranmcnulty - 5
return type not compatible anymore
#503 opened by maddy2101